Magnificent Masks

Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by cerridwen, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    This is an easy way to make a mask using:</FONT>
    • paper and a printer (colored card-stock works very well)
    • markers or crayons
    • scissors
    • a stapler
    • elastic - about 1 foot per mask.
    [size=+2]Print out one of the mask templates. Click on the template that you want to print.

    To print a template (and not any other things that might be on the screen), click on the template first, then choose PRINT from the File menu.
    [/size]Choose a mask: [​IMG]
    • Color the mask.
    • Cut out the cut it out around the edges and cut out the eye-holes.
    • Staple one end of the elastic onto the mask (the places for the staples are marked and are by the eyes).
    • Determine how much elastic it will take to fit on your child's head. Trim to size.
    • Staple the remaining side of the elastic to the other side of the mask.

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