I am amazed at some of the things I have read in the media about this North Carolina politician. Anyone have anything to say about the state of the party and it's membership?
The only options in the survey are "yes" and "no." Honestly, I'd have to answer: "Never heard of him/her." I've known a couple of people with the given name Madison, and they were both women. Zen refers to the person as "he." Still, I never heard of him. He could be another corrupt Republican with no morals, but he's far from being a household name. On a scale of zero to Trump or Nixon, he's much closer to zero than he is to either of those two much more famous corrupt Republicans with broken moral compasses. He'll have to do some spectacularly bad things and over a long period of time if he wants to be known for something other than an unusual first name. The last name is pretty unusual also. In Yorkshire, England, it may be common. In the US, it's rare. Right now, he's neither famous nor infamous. He's got a long way to go. Perhaps he's famous in North Carolina, mentioned in the thread as his home base, but he's not well known elsewhere. Illinois has had four governors who served time in prison following convictions on corruption charges starting in the 1970s, and most people outside Illinois wouldn't have heard of more than the most recent one. Only one of the four, George Ryan, was a Republican, and few people outside Illinois know about him. This Cawthorn guy is going to have to do some really terrible things if he wants to work his way up to Trump/Nixon status.
Well, luckily, he lost the primary but guys like this never just go away. Well, he can go back to his last paying job, Chick-fil-A..... or back to his first semester in college he never finished.
I blame him on just plain bad parenting. Whatever, he can live on daddy's money and the $3M he sued his friend for wrecking the party car.
She's fucking coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs! But that's not the scary part. The scary part is there are enough people in the world that would even consider voting for her. Same thing with t****.