So been seeing trailers a lot for a new film called Lucy. Seems to follow a chick who by some means begins to access 100% of brain. It shows Morgan Freeman at a conference and says something like, "at the ten percent, she can access certain mental functions, at 20% she can feel reality, at 30% she can control matter, at 50% she can control other beings, at 60% she can begin to do things out of this universe." It seems similar to that limitless movie, but only this looks a lot better. I feel like were on the brink of something, and it is leaking through the seams! The trailer for the movie alone sparked a lot of acid thoughts, and being on acid while watching the trailer, it resonated really well. Well anyway I don't think its any coincidence that its named "Lucy". Is it only a matter of time before our superconsciousness brought from lsd becomes broader part of natural reality?!
I kind of thought about the allusion to LSD as well however the notion in the trailer that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth, so it already makes me suspicious of the movie. I'll probably wait to hear reviews on it. I was pretty disappointed by the movie Transcendence with Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman, where Depp downloads his consciousness to a computer. I don't see these movies saying much except for consciousness being an integral aspect of some of the current sci-fi movies.
Well either way when we take lsd our brain starts working in ways it doesn't normally act. We start to act off higher functioning capabilities. A word from the wise in psychotropic exploration. "We ain't seen nothing yet."
you could just as easily say that when we take lsd our brains start misfunctioning and we start to "act off lower functioning capabilities." when i take a good dose of L, i don't have higher functioning capabilities...sometimes i can hardly speak and i certainly wouldn't drive a car.
Yea sometimes you can't speak because you are in a region of the brain that is beyond words. If you what you experience seems to be less functioning capabilities your not doing it right. I guess I can't speak for everyone, it all depends on your individual make up, both physically and metaphysically. Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, they all play a roll. I know acid can leave your head spun at times, but once you level out and get to that "oh yea this is life should be like" zen point then the quality of everything increases. There is absolutely brilliant state of consciousness accessible through lsd. I only was referring this movie to lsd because of these brilliant states which you are thrown in to. I really don't believe in the metaphor that were poisoning ourselves and that is why we hallucinate or even that we replaced the red chord with the green chord and now we getting mixed signals. I would say Lsd activates a sacred play of chemistry which unlocks these higher states of consciousness. There is no accident. A metaphor which is closer to the truth dwhich I do like is, there is a filter on our full being and lsd removes this filter. It has grown in symbiotic relation with us, it has evolved with us in order to show us this, in order to unlock this knowledge. It is its purpose, our purpose, it is the way, always has been.
yeah, i agree with that i don't think we hallucinate because we are poisoning ourselves either, but i think it's important not to get too swept away in the opposite direction. LSD did not evolve. it is the same molecule it was when it was originally synthesized. it's a beautiful coincidence that it happens to fit in our serotonin receptors and elicit the amazing response that it does....but the rest of what you say is frankly romanticized bull crap. lsd can make me feel like i have super-powers. but that doesn't necessarily mean i do
There is certainly an ineffable quality to the LSD experience which is so different from our frame of reference in objective reality that really is beyond words. However, I think LSD, particularly on higher doses effects Broca's area, possibly Wernicke's area (responsible for talking and decoding speech respectively) and I suspect some language based memory storage pathways as well. So the combination of having language pathways significantly altered as well as a precedent on the profound, spiritual, wonderess, etc. likely largely contributes to these novel brilliant states as you say. I'm not sure what you mean by the red chord and green chord stuff, assuming you are talking about neurotransmitters, LSD does displace normal neurotransmitters, that's how you experience a psychoactive effect from the drug. That's not to say that some of this displacement cannot remove filters as well which the homeostatic brain (normal way brain functions) has up. The brain is not a static system, meaning that as you interact with the environment throughout your life the brain is constantly receiving messages from your body and environment. With this information the brain and body has received, it has spent your entire life trying to give you a continuity to your reality to help you best function and operate. Now you throw this powerful mind altering substance into the mix and your brain is going through an upheaval of this continuous homeostatic functioning, which leads to a variety of affects and in some ways you may operate at a higher level, in other ways you may operate at a lower level. As I mentioned earlier, it's such a different frame of reference to our objective reality that the impact for most, particularly on higher doses, is non negotiable and all encompassing. I agree that functioning can be impaired, however I think there can be more of a higher awareness on high doses of LSD. This awareness is not necessarily the same awareness we operate with on in our immediate surroundings on the day to day, although I often find everyday 'mundane' objects and plants can elicit beautiful novel structure and perceptions which I may overlook in normal consciousness or become transformed into completely amazing and ineffable forms taking on new meaning completely, but also the way the mind's perceptual systems starts to deconstruct thoughts, visuals, memories, sound, so on and so forth. The sights, sounds, and ideas from the 1960's is obviously representative of this. That is a good balanced perspective porkstock. I think psychonauts need to attempt to keep a balanced perspective on LSD and psychedelics, a fascinating, insightful experience but it's not something that people can function on all the time.
i get where you're coming from though, inthydreams. when i'm on LSD, i usually have an "increased" sense of taste, smell, touch, hearing and vision as far as being able to see small details.
I mean it evolved like marijuana evolved, somehow this plant evolved to have a psychoactive chemical, and we evolved to have receptors to this psychoactive chemical. This receptor seems to unlock key parts of the brain, which does more than just give us a high, but unlocks a whole intelligent experience for the user. Only thing is lsd is not a plant, but a chemical synthesized from the fungus on a plant. I can't tell you why fungus seems to be the medium for these profound experiences, but over the years somehow our bodies have evolved in such a way to give this experience. Perhaps a bit of romanticism in my words, but you might be surprised when you realize how much of it is true. Lsd is nothing less than a gift from the divine. Good insight, I have a lower level of understanding putting together what actual parts of the brain are functioning when lsd is doing is chemical unfolding. I have times were I'm in real altered levels of consciousness, and all sorts of ideas are being processed simultaneously, but if a friend comes and trys to speak to you, you are like a incoherent child. But the feeling is almost like you are in these very different neurological pathways, and you almost have to step down from them to return to your normal speech patterns and thought processes. By green chord and red chord I was referring to the rca plugs in lets say a high def TV. The visual part of component output on a high def tv is a red, green, and blue wire. If you switch the wires you scramble the signal, which results in a distorted picture. In a sense its a good metaphor because you switch out serotonin for lsd molecules. But at the same time it doesn't get the whole picture across. Lsd just doesn't distort the picture. It unlocks certain key areas of the brain. Its more like an upgrade from component cables to HDMI. Or a just a key to unlock your brain with.
yes, that is pretty much what happens. showing that your brain did not in fact evolve to have receptors for LSD. it evolved to use serotonin and serotonin receptors. the cosmic coincidence or the "gift" is that LSD happens to fit into these same receptors and elicit, in you and i, an extraordinarily beautiful response. but to take it any further is romanticism like you said. same thing is true for marijuana. the THC that gets us high doesn't fit into "THC receptors." our brains contain an endogenous (occurs inside our bodies, normally) cannabinoid that is used for signalling...i think it's called anadamide. i think in this case, THC and the receptor it binds to in the brain were identified first, leading to the discovery of endogenous cannibinoids like anadamide (means bliss in sanskrit?) point is...when a drug gets us high - it doesn't mean we have receptors just for that drug. it means that the drug happens to fit into receptors that we use for something else.
But don't some cannabanoid receptors not really work unless cannibis is being used? Either way I was trying to say that somehow nature evolved in such a way that this chemical does work with our body, and our body has synergized with the experience through the millennia. Even if we don't have a specific receptor for lsd, it still works with our receptors. Also there is the study that experiences are passed through DNA. So if anyone in your family has done lsd, that experience is encoded into your DNA. When you unlocking these realms, you are also unlocking past experiences of lsd and other psychotropics through the ages. So the experience itself is evolving through the dna. You may be able to get where you do in your psychedelic adventures, because where your great grandpa got in his psychedelic adventures. It all looks like coincidence and extreme luck from our little picture perspective of everything. But we don't know what is outside our box, why things became the way they did, because something outside of us being the way it is. We fail to look beyond the veil. Some of us still ask if there is a beyond the veil. Well shit if you still asking that then you need some more LSD for god's sakes!!!
not that i'm aware of. well LSD has only existed for decades. i think you might be vaguely hinting at several studies on the topic of "epigenetics." under stress conditions, etc. DNA can be modified and potentially passed on. it's a pretty poorly understood phenomena as of now. no.
^Well Lsd present in Ergot has existed for milennia. At least back since the times of Ancient Greece. What I meant really was the psychedelic experience has existed for ages. And yes I am referring to recent studies that past experiences are encoded into your dna. That is why we have instincts, because one creature passes its knowing on to the young. That is why we are born with natural talents, and why we progress extremely well in some things, but have a hard time getting it with others. Its like a computer with 1 and 0s encoding packets of information into your genetics. Why is it not possible that the information from an lsd experience be passed through your genetics?
Wiki; Ergot contains no lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) but instead contains ergotamine, which is used to synthesize lysergic acid, an analog of and precursor for synthesis of LSD. Moreover, ergot sclerotia naturally contain some amounts of lysergic acid.
Well wasn't Ergot still one of the five major contributors to hysteria in the Salem Which Trials? People were getting all trippy on burning Ergot. Either way other pscyhedelics have been around for much longer. I wouldn't be surprised that its all connected somehow. Whether or not Lsd is passed through the DNA there is still seems to be a collective sensation. Whether its collected unconscious, akashaic records, energetic fields of information, soul genetics, there are things we are yet to fully understand.
Ergot poisoning goes back to the middle ages. They may have been tripping but pretty sure it wasn't very pleasant. The thing that has probably been passed through the genetic code is basically what causes everyone to seek to alter their normal perception in one way or another. The sense that there's more than one way to perceive the world.