I LOVE the song Lucy In The SKy With Diamonds by the Beatles (hence the name ) whenever i hear the song i get the most beautiful, vibrant, lively images in my mind of Lucy and the other descriptions in the song. So my question is, when you listen to the song, what does YOUR Lucy In The Sky look like???
I picture a beautiful young girl with shimmering bright blonde hair almost as if its reflecting the sun, hair that reaches down to her ankles, I picture a beautiful long yellow dress, raggedy in a sort, but not messy, her eyes are hypnotizing with various shades that shimmer and change color. It's not creepy, it's beautiful; her smile and thin red lips smile at you, and her soft pink skin seem to have no blemish, her pink slippers making slight crunching sounds in the grass, she then flies towards the sky, almost floating. I dunno; I've always had that image since I was ten. The beatles write so beautifully.
Initially, I thought a beautiful girl flying through the air, her long blonde hair blowing in the breeze. With diamonds. Hehe. But since I watched yellow submarine I think of the girl in that video. Good thread idea by the way
I 'm making a videoclip of Lucy in th esky with diamonds as a project for artschool . I thought : a girl with multicolored swirling eyes and a tiedye dress who floats in the air
i dont know what Lucy looks like, but the setting reminds me of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. That place with all the edible stuff and the chocolate river. haha
a girl i know, SArah...or the girl form the movie... the place though, not a sky with diamonds, but a feild full of daisys, with the sun low, like a yellow sunset on a summer evening...ahhh, pretty or if im feeling unimaginative, like alice in wonderland, cause thats obviously where he got some of his images...