So I took acid about 4 times. The 1st time was with my brother and was the most I’ve ever taken (2tabs) I can NEVER take it again I feel. Sooo..THIS is what happens. Anytime I stop smoking weed and start again....I have som type of psychedelic experience that scares the shit outta me. After getting high, whatever conversation is going on no matter who’s talking or how many people there are...They are ALL talking about me having a trip or going back to a state where I trip. It is extremely unpleasant because NO MATTER what is being’s as if my mind is translating EVERYTHING to talk to if the World is revolving around me. The only way to stop it is to remove myself from the room (abruptly) or focus on something else completely like a YouTube video, which is what I’ve used a few times before. It’s soo scary bcuz with my brother who I first dropped with..It’s intensified. BASICALLY, when I smoke cannabis after detoxing for awhile I have a Psychedelic Experience that is consistently TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING, or Trying to get me to the point of absolute SOMETHING that I don’t know of. Meaning...If I were to give in and listen...I feel I would have a panic attack of som sort and it’s scary as shit. It’s as if the world revolves around me in those moments. It’s soo strong to where if I don’t take any action to block out what’s being said and listen intently, it feels as tho I’m going to die. It can happen with any person in the world I presume. Idk what’s going on, it makes me scared to stop smoking bcuz what if I start scares me to start smoking bcuz what if I stop. I really need someone to help explain what’s happening. So eager for a reply that can explain this...I’ll cash app the person with the best response. Please Help !
Hi. Very common for people who are inexperienced to have these states of confusion and inner paranoia. What you have is probably a form of HPPD Hyper Persisting Psychedelic Disorder which most commonly for people is visual snow but psychologically can be manifested as psychological abnormalities that flare up from taking subtances, possibly even alcohol or caffeine depending on the way your psychology is affected by this. There may be videos on youtube of people talking about healing from HPPD or paranoia, maybe look for something like that, definitely watch what kind of media and information you take in.Focus only on positive things and take care of yourself. Watch your diet, stop worrying so much, get good exercise, drink enough water, and for good measure you should probably go sober from everything for as long as you can. I ONE HUNDRED PERCENT recommend you start a MEDITATION PRACTICE, DAILY. This can help center you very much. Don't worry too much you're not going crazy, this happens to lots of people who don't prepare themselves for the mind bending effects of psychedelic use. Be well and most of all stay safe.
I'm not sure OP has HPPD. If I understand correctly they took LSD and now when they smoke weed after a long break the high is very intense and trippy. Psychedelic effects from weed use are common for LSD users. After tripping weed will have a different feeling with a little bit of the LSD experience in it. And if OP is taking a long tolerance break weed on it's own can be very intense, psychedelic even with the right strains and low tolerances. It's very easy to get too high this way. HPPD would be experiencing these effects all the time even without weed use. A max of 2 hits a few times is not likely to cause HPPD. That usually takes long term consistent use. Preexisting severe psychological conditions like schizophrenia can be made worse with LSD but I don't think this the cause of OP's issue.
Hi, I think you are right and meant to word what I said (or maybe didn't but should have) as the idea that what you are saying can happen while smoking after psychedelic use is something similar to HPPD and that healing resources for HPPD would probably also help this condition/experience. Something similar but more connected to subconscious and psychological structure, I'm not sure what to call it, probably a conscious plasticity mini flashback. Also to reassure, this can fade, but please try your best to be healthy in every way possible
Ok so it happned last night aswell...I believe it is Ego Death now. There’s enough proof and consistency for that to be true, but regardless...I rejected it once again. It was all too real, and I think I’m too fearful to let go of ones self or myself.