For four years I learned vocal development with a professional teacher and over the next 5 years I tried to practice daily over two hours in order to succeed in singing well. During all those years despite all the attempts I could not yet sing, no matter how hard I tried. I felt that I was just missing something that all the singers knew, and the moment they realized they managed to sing well. During my lsd-25 trip I managed to sing at the level of a professional singer and other people around me also heard that my singing abilities have changed from a total inability to the abilities of a professional singer with an exciting voice and stunning performance. I do not know exactly what happened there and how I did it, I felt really connected to myself and my inner feelings, as if suddenly there is a synchronization between emotion and voice and they can work together. Someone has ever heard of such a phenomenon or can try to explain it And the do you think i couls also do it without the lsd and if yes how? Thanks in advance.
Whenever harmony is lost, balance will be restored, ensuring harmony must always be regained, just not necessarily in your lifetime. LSD can help to encourage greater harmony, by encouraging us to become more humble in some ways. Beautiful words can defy unbalanced gravity itself, hanging in the air between us, and for our words to fly with the birds we must first learn how to set our screams free.
I think you would be able to do it without the LSD but if you truly are certain your voice changes that much under the influence of LSD, I'd recommend record a singing before and during a trip. That seems like a unique phenomena that could perhaps lend some fascinating insight into some of the parasympathetic effects of the drug or into the effects on the mind.
I first bought a hoop in 2012 but there were long periods of time where I didn't do anything with it, mostly because lack of space but I have that now so the last two years I've improved more than all the ones before. I don't imagine i'm really that good compared to what I've seen some people do, but I've never seen myself so I'm not sure. It's a meditative type thing I guess. Can zone out with it.
I used to liquid glowlight/glowstick at raves/festivals and it was a similar thing for me, there was a meditative aspect to it, or it put me in a trance of sorts, even without the lights. Usually I felt more in tune with my movements while on MDMA or LSD. I've always been fascinated by Hooping and Poi though.
There are less videos of them, but I think men make better hoopers a lot of the time. Especially with isolations.. they keep them more level. I tried poi once and I just couldn't get it at all! I didn't stick at it long though.
I think there's something that happens when you trip that makes you aware of what you need to do to accentuate already existing talents. I don't claim to know how it works, but I noticed that my guitar playing was nearly tolerable when I was on LSD back in the day. I loved glowsticks. I've never tried hooping. We used to tie some string to the glowsticks and swing them around with our arms. Here is a video of "stringing" to Ke$ha's hit Tick Tock song.
Yea, I've always viewed hooping as a more feminine thing, some women look "divine" when they do it and it's ineffable, something beyond them being hot. Kinda sorta like belly dancing. I tried Poi once as well, Fire Poi while drunk on the beach. I hit myself in the back within like 10 seconds and didn't bother to keep at it.
I cant sing without lsd As i said tried vocal coaching for years My teacher said i couldnt sing I recorded my self so much time To people and it sounded really bad When im on lsd (everytime) i can sing So good. I could get into the voice show. People around me also say it changes from 0 to 10 And im not sure how but just feel more present Aware and confident and when i try It just workes in the first time i was like ohhh shit I can sing!!!! So its 100% not an hallucination or something
Brahh I'm on fucken drugs and I sound awesome cuz I sound really good on drugs brah. Gimmie some drugs bruzzah Hahaaaaa as someone who's not trippin balls right now, it's pretty hilarious.
i had a friend in college who always had a frog in the throat voice when he was tripping. i don't even know if he realized it. technically, i don't know for sure if anyone realized it. i might have just thought that because i was always tripping at the time too. but that seems less likely. doesn't seem conducive to me...