Hello everyone, I'm opening this thread to share my experiences and hear others' experiences and opinions about dimensions, the universe, our monkey and higher consciousness mind. Ideas I have learned and resonated with from others. EVERYTHING IS MENTAL WE ARE ONE WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING IS ENERGY 1st Dimension: Minerals, Molecules. (physical/mental) 2nd Dimension: Plants, Animals. (physical/mental) 3rd Dimension: Humans coexisting with 1st and 2nd. (physical/mental) 4th Dimension: Matter becomes lighter we can perceive it, matter-energy starts to collapse, the extrasensorial activity becomes normal.(mental) 5th Dimension: The Dimension of LOVE, our true nature, dualism dissolves, the matter gets lighter for the perception of our physical eyes and we start to see how objects are formed through our 3rd eye thoughts become manifestations. (mental) 6th and beyond everything seems possible... If time doesn't exist, the past and future are there converging with each other creating possible realities. the here and now its what only exists. My experiences: After smoking a joint on 2 tabs, I had a clear perception of this reality and started to see numbers of this matrix through my mind's eye 00000000000000000000000111111111111111111112222222222222333333333333000000000000001111111111111111111222222222222222222222233333333333333333 just like that. On four tabs after vaping LSD strain, I lost control of my monkey mind and only have glimpses. I can only recall telepathy with I don't fucking know who but they were explaining to me how the 5th works, everything you say you can feel it, makes sense negative feelings need to stay on the 3rd. Our mind is a computer we have forgotten how to use. why? apparently, the book Urantia has all the answers. While psychedelics open the gate to higher states of mind I'm convinced meditation practitioners have known all of this and are able to perceive even more, most humans are immerse in the ego role not ready due to comfort and afraid to know truths. Truths hurt but they liberate, fear and guilt are our main obstacles. Am I crazy or smart? Welcome to the new age, thanks for reading.