Hi I'm new her and wanna ask if I can use lsd in the time I'm trying to get my mdma tolerance down. I'm used the substance for about 6 month a lot like 50-70 pills in the time (2-4 a trip) with like 250 - 400 mg each. I know that the lsd compound effects the serotonin receptors but there not exactly the same then serotonin and the effects on my body are not that .. rushing then with x so is it possible to use it and still recovering from the tolerance of mdma?
you took 60-70 MDMA pills in 6 months? sign me up. But not really, i mean if there's a tolerance involved.
The thing I'm thinking of is that the tolerance of lsd is much shorter(but stronger) than with x so I thought it could just slow the process down
LSD does not stimulate the brain in the same way as MDMA. You will not affect the tolerance to MDMA with LSD use.With the amount of MDMA you have used you may have some down regulation of serotonin which is bad for LSD too. The tolerance of MDMA is kind of permanent. Some users get the magic back but still have to be very careful. I don't think you will be able to use it as often as you have in the past even if you are that lucky.
I wouldn't recommend it. The only experience I have of taking a 5ht2a agonist like LSD with MDMA tolerance is DOM and I suspect there was some cross tolerance. I still felt it but in comparison to it's reputation, the effects were really mild.
I did mdma 9 days ago and I don't think my seratonin levels have bounced back. I've been an emotional roller coaster ever since and I still cry over nothing.
In Turkey, pills dont contain any MDMA. They are street made. Not original ecstasy. I doubt things are very different abroad. It is something illegal but anyway Since weed is natural, it is closed to being modified. But synthetic illegal drugs are a very different story