Hey guys, I'm new here, and I have a question to ask. In a few days I go to a psychedelic rock festival that lasts a week, and then go to another one. So, 2 festivals in 2 weeks. I wish I could make the most of those weeks , but of course I will not have LSD every day. I wonder if I can do LSD once, and then mushrooms again in these two weeks? Like in the first day I do LSD, and in the next week I do shrooms... What do you think?
Okay, thank you guys! So I should not mix them! I will do one in a week and the other one next week, thank you
I mean my problem is my brain. Does it get hurt? Sorry I'm quite ignorant of the effects of LSD on the brain
No. Brain will be peachy. If you mix psychedelics tho, there is a risk of cramp, fart and shitting yourself to hazard ~
Lol nothing wrong with mixing shrooms and LSD, it's just mostly pointless Yea, just space them out by that week and you'll be fine
It doesn't cause brain damage if that's what you are asking but if you have some psychological issues which are revealed on your first trip and don't integrate them upon returning to normal consciousness, it may not be best to trip the following week.
why not? combining both creates a unique experience but being familiar with both its somewhat easy to distinguish the effects of each. i only ever did that once though.
The responsible thing to do is to space them out and alternating between the two to get the most out of each experience. On the other hand, it's always fun to just dive in head first sometimes, especially at festivals. A general rule of thumb when tripping two days in a row on LSD or mushrooms is to double the dose on the second day to achieve the same high. Mixing the the two can stretch an experience further even with tolerances building as well. If you're looking at two festivals a week apart, your tolerance to LSD or mushrooms should be near non-existent given a week.