LSD affecting words & speech.

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by saintofdogs, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. saintofdogs

    saintofdogs Guest

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    I searched the forums but couldn't find anything directly related to this. There was a time when my sweetie & I used some & I, being new to it, took more than I intended. I found myself coming out of it talking some made up language. I mean I really had trouble forming sensible words. I wasn't scared exactly, but I sure did hope it wasn't some permanent thing. (aug! I broke my brain!) I ended up turning on a recorder & capturing a lot of it. My sweetie is an old hippy & said the doses were a LOT more in the 60s, than even my little overdo, & he never had any internal word weirdness whatsoever & never heard of anyone else doing what I would call an organized gibberish.

    I am an extremely verbal, slightly autistic, the kind of kid who could read at college level by kindergarten, extremely developed vocab including the ability to immediately pick up accents & imitate them (BORED out of my mind then, BTW). I write, & play with words constantly. Ok? So I'm super verbal. Words are my tool thingies.

    When this happened to's hard to describe in the same way a dream is difficult to describe. For me, sounds became a combination of sounds, & also forms in my mind that needed to be spatially manipulated AS I spoke them, along with hand gestures. Since a large part of it was non-verbal & the image manipulation, it was of course hopeless to convey it to another. I continued to sort of MOVE certain sound combinations around in my head for the next couple of days. I wasn't gibberish. There were very specific faux words.

    Surely this can't be a rare thing. Anyone?
  2. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    certainly . . . all manner of phenomena become malleable under and after LSD.

    One of the effects I think you are describing is simply the enhanced awareness of the cognitive mechanics behind an act like speaking a language, complete with accents and gestures. Language is incredibly fascinating and so deeply rooted in psychology and human cultural evolution.
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Sounds like a form of glossolalia, here is Terrence Mckenna describing the phenomena with Magic Mushrooms and DMT..."]
  4. saintofdogs

    saintofdogs Guest

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    Yes, & relatively speaking, the spoken language is quite new, laid down over other forms of mental imagery & non-verbal or body language methods.
  5. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    sounds pretty interesting.

    a few language related things that seem to be more common when tripping:

    1) having a hard time speaking during a strong experience. or sometimes on the same dose, being able to speak with relative easy to strangers who didn't know i was tripping.

    2) sometimes with a close friend, it seems like you don't need language to communicate. there have been times where i felt like i knew exactly what my brother was thinking. but that can even happen when you're not tripping i guess.
  6. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    It doesn't seem unusual, since words seem to be your predilection, that your brain( on acid lol) would seek a different creative avenue along those lines ...sounds like a beautiful thing to me! I would love to hear what you recorded.
  7. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    I would say anything you are comfortable with, in your case words, get tossed around and makes you think of these things from an outside point of view. I know sometimes it's hard to talk and communicate while tripping hard, but one way or another you're able to with or without proper words!
  8. saintofdogs

    saintofdogs Guest

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    Yes, it sounded like the glossalalia. As he said, with no meaning but indeed with rules. I think I might have been unintentionally obtuse in my original post - my going on about the word skills is because my sweetie NEVER had that experience. On the other hand, he is somewhat dyslexic; he is an artist & visuals are much more his thing. Perhaps my experience differed from his in this realm because his cognitive load is skewed toward visuals, not words.
  9. CoZMiC WiZDoM RaW VeGaN

    CoZMiC WiZDoM RaW VeGaN Member

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    ♥ ♣ :sunny: Saint Of Dogs... Often TRiPpiNg Takes You FAR Beyond ALL Words & Linear Thought! It Is Non~Mundane & Non~Linear! TRiPpiNg Should Be CoZMiC Mystical Transcendental Spiritual Visionary! Don't Worry! It's As It Should Be! *Wordless!* Ecstasy! :sunny: ♣ ♥

  10. upperlevel

    upperlevel Member

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    I have noticed that in normal life I stumble on words more often since I started using psychedelics, I think it actually has a lot more to do with focus than an actual mental problem. I focus more heavily on the idea I'm trying to convey than the words that go along with it. I see things more abstractly and more 'big picture', which causes me to be at a loss for words. I also more often try using words I've only read and never heard pronounced out loud, only part way through the word do I realize this. These phenomena are not really what the OP is describing though. I also love writing raps and such, and I have read that coupling words based on sound and not meaning is a symptom of LSD-induced schizophrenia, I'm not too worried though, I think that was 1950's psychology ;)
    That, and that terrence mckenna talk, is all the knowledge I have about LSD and words.
  11. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    I talk funny when Im on acid. I mix words up. Just cant talk proper..
  12. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Lol, story of my life. I hate words :p

    Actually, I lie.. I love 'em, language is pretty incredible. I love reading and listening, but when it comes to actually using it, I suck :D

    It's incredibly abstract.. conversation is a crazy medium. Forming a concept about reality based on direct experience, processing that messy, undefined blob of thought into a very structured and defined pattern, verbalising that pattern for someone else who can recognise that pattern and then process it, and form their own concept based on their own experiential reference points within reality..

    I mean... what the fuck, yo?

    But yeah.. basically, it's a methodical process. Psychedelics fuck methodology in the ass, without any lube.. much easier to flow with gibberish, or music. It's all expression at the end of the day.

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