Lost My Balls 2 Grow!

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Bud D, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    I've been reading cannabis cultivation forums since about 2002, in the Overgrow days. I've had a few or more smaller grows, always afraid to go big. I have a disability and don't have a lot of money. I've always envied the guys that get to do what they want. I live in a state without any legalization, 1 kilo of any cannabis (wet, dried, roots, doesn't matter) can get 5 years in prison. So ya the prison risk was always a reason to keep things real small, no more than a 250 watt but that can still yield a felony.

    I caught a case years back and some smaller charges along the way. I rent a house from family and they are not cannabis lovers by any stretch of the imagination. Can't grow here and I worry that even with legal pot I won't be able to convince them to even have a 200 watt LED grow. I don't have much money so large indoor grows just aren't reasonable. Even the start up cost are expensive for small grows if done the way I want (nice high quality equipment that doesn't fail).

    I dream and plan grows, ideas of what I could or wouldn't do. Seems I can't do anything anymore, just no more testicles! I used to have seeds but that was a waste of money, flushed those away (about $750 worth). They were from a retailer that lost it's reputation as quick as they started up. I'm sure some beans would of been great, but if I can ever do a grow again fems would be what I must use. It's just expensive to pheno hunt and not worth all the outdoor extra work digging holes and such to waste on male plants. Plus I feel regs are good for breeding and finding keeper clones.

    I used to smoke decent weed all the time. Good home grown or some BC bud that wasn't beasters. Smoked more than enough brick weed, don't want more of that. In fact I've only smoked weed 1 time in the past 5 years. It was brick weed that the person said they paid $50 an 1/8 for. I sure as shit ain't paying prices like that for shit weed. I don't even know where to get good weed for a good price, so I drink booze and often! I'm not paying $60 an eighth for decent weed that doesn't weight what it should either.

    Even with legal pot, which is a matter of time (I'm 34), they charge a lot of money that I'd rather invest in a grow. It seems there is no guarantee that I'm going to get off of disability and get some freedom. The lottery is hard to win and the family is trying to get me to learn computer programming. I've been reading how to write C# and have gotten to chapter 13. I'm not understanding all the differences in the code so I'm taking a brake. I'd really like to have some money, not that weed is a safe way to get funds. I just like to have money for my dog at the least and freedom when pot is legal (feel the BERN).

    I guess I'll get over it.
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    $50 for a 1/8 of brick weed? WTF I have never heard of such highway robbery. I used to be able to get a QP of that stuff for $200.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Well... You don't live in Ohio.
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  4. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i live in ohio and i've never heard of such highway robbery either.
  5. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    yeah..fuck. i don't even like to pay 50 for dispensary grade stuff
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I've seen it, or close to it.... Didn't pay it, but seen it.
  7. Bud D

    Bud D Member

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    I never paid $50 for schwagg and it IS schwagg if it's been compressed. Used to get great home grown, not the most potent, but smelled/tasted great with a really happy sativa high for $40/$80 and this was well over 14 years ago. There was also a cut of Northern Lights I believe, grown in BC and flooded within the states...could get that for $40/$80. People thought it was beasters but nope, it was just good dense nugs that had a little age...covered in resin and smoked better than any Northern Lights your going to find from seed these days.

    Then there's ghetto weed. Paying $50 an eighth for some 'dro' that has been pinched so bad it's not even close to 3 grams for $50. So I wanted just a small grow and did just that. Well hydro isn't the easiest or cheapest way to learn to grow. Ph pen broke, fucked up that grow. Did some soil grows but my system was to small for all that. There wasn't much fem seed and finding clones was hard as finding fems back then. Couple outdoor grows all but abandoned, never yielded more than an ounce. It was the pheno finding that was difficult. Plus I thought I liked indica the most. I'll like any weed if it's of quality. It takes a lot of energy to pheno hunt regular seeds. With the right strain fem seeds are ideal for small grows...less bullshit trying to find a girl...even though they can herm or be mutants.

    I know a shit ton about growing now. Just wish I could put my skills to the test and build more skills. Hopes of winning the lotto and legalized ganja still reign supreme between my ears! I'd love to not have to worry about the man and just pop a couple of fem seeds and have a couple 2 pounders growing.
  8. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Yeah for real

    That does suck though OP.

    I just moved from NY to CO to get in the cannabis industry. Though fortunately my situation in NY wasn't bad. I had access to roughly equivalent quality- just absent of any analytical testing results and of course not near the variety and selection.
  9. Eztimers

    Eztimers Member

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    OverGrow, I learned everything real about weed over there. I loved that site. Spent hundreds of hours reading, getting to know folks. That site saved me from schwag hell.
    Love Ya shabang and fool girl, wherever your at now.

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