Hey Cheif Cowpie, thats my grandfather lol.. thanks guys that was so sweet no ones ever said i was hot
i wouldnt say hot....but very pretty...saying youre hot is just another way of saying, "yeah, id fuck ya"
Lol thanks guys that is sweet and yes that is very true cotter i mean i know lots of guys in my white trash Ohio town that is all like your so pretty and this and that and all they wanna do is sleep with the girl! But anyways.. you know i got ot thinking.. have you ever saw a pic on here that just wasnt very pretty and you tell the person that they are pretty so you dont hurt their feelings well is it wrong to do that becasue its lying?
well, in my opinion, if i the way a gal looks to me doesnt really appeal to my interests, i dont say anything negative.....or positive. i keep my mouth shut....unless theyre a bitch then theyve got it comin!
LOL!!! COTTER I LIKE YOUR STYLE!!! Yeah there are alot of girls out there that are bitches and i hate that becasue i think the females spread gossip way to much and you know to tell you the truth i how way more guy friends than girls!