I'm the proud owner of 138 acres in Kentucky! With about 50k in machinery. This is a generational farm since the 1700's. I'm looking for 2 people (single or with family) to join what we have started and help make this happen. This is an old idea but I'm still new so the in and outs will have to be discussed. right now I'm just getting a feel for this here. But for the right person maybe more. Right now it's me my wife and daughter with a new addition of our first member.
Not a bad spot to be holding 138 acres these days. Congrats! http://www.kyagr.com/marketing/hemp-pilot.html And is this $50k in Machinery 1700's vintage or more modernized gear? We <3 Pictures here. And,,, do you love #Biochar ? http://www.biochar-international.org/
Yes we can grow hemp but there is no market for it here. So what to do with it after I go threw all the work. My equipment ranges from 1949-1997.
Well before going through all the work I'd suggest Google as a starting point. It does seem there are some buyers guilds and associations out there. Maybe better to stick with Corn, Beans and Tobacco the first year or so till you can line up buyers to contract with. May also want to check with textile manufacturers? I hear they like the stuff. https://www.google.com/search?q=where+to+sell+industrial+hemp%3F&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:y&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUw_i14t3TAhXk7YMKHVeDDuYQpwUIHg&biw=1252&bih=566
Well, if you check the 2nd link on the 1st post I made where I mention Biochar and get interested in the stuff at all and happen to have access to a steady stream of wood "waste" from a local sawmill, chips from a clear cut lot or etc, OR even dried crop residue, you might want to consider upscaling this lil' "Char-kiln" here to meet your needs for not just Soil health but also mixes well with Chicken scratch / keeps ammonia levels down = healthier flock and works as a fodder supplement thats really showing a lot of promise in the way of leading to healthier herds if you end up with one OR have a neighbor who might want to buy some off you, water filtration, Plaster filler,,, ok swear I'll stop now but the list goes on. Just very good stuff to have on hand, works a lot like Activated Carbon in case of emergency as well and water filtra--- Oh right, I was going to stop,,, Well, Check that biochar international link out and then if it does pique your interest have a look at this. (Some folks use that wood vinegar it makes to flavor meats aka Liquid Smoke, others have figured out how to make a fuel with it like http://www.coolplanet.com/ Also see sub-pages for Cool Terra & Cool Fauna ) http://www.dayonedesign.org/bio-char-kiln/ Best of luck to ya' down there.