Hi my name is Brendan. I am interested in joining a commune but I have a pet little male ball python named Cornelius that I don't want to leave him behind. I work full time in a machine shop but I don't really like it much. Money is good but deep down I don't really care much about it to be honest. I only want enough as I need, anything else is unnecessary. I turn 20 in few days. I just want to live somewhere deep in the woods that has enough electricity to power a heating strip on a 'X24'X24' enclosure with thermostat and occasionally power my laptop and ereader so I can read whenever I run out of books and work on my writing. No Internet necessary for me. Also a freezer or cellar or something to keep frozen food for Cornelius. Cornelius is a very calm snake who is only about 18" long and will only grow to a maximum size of 3 feet. He has never bit me and I have a very good enclosure that he has never escaped from. If you aren't afraid of snakes you will love him. I am in good physical shape and I am a hard worker. I live in Ontario Canada so if anyone could steer me in the right direction or maybe is part of a cool commune that looking for help, that would be great. DON'T PANIC:2thumbsup: