good morning. or is it? to me it hasnt been. i woke up, started my morning chores, went to feed my fish, ended up dumping it all over my carpet, had to vaccuum it up. gave daughter her drink, she got pissed and dumped it all over the kitchen floor. had to clean that up. felt faint, went to the bathroom and vomited. errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! so i get in my car to try to come into work and i am frustrated beyond belief. i just want to cry. so i think about things and i think about the fact that there are days like this and to not let it get to me. so i start to think about what fuels my fire. i have a list of things......... my daughter, nature, hiking, hanging out with friends, watching news and seeing heartwarming stories, coming here, breath, life. so instead of sinking into depression.......instead i am gonna fuel my fire and have you all add to it with the things that fuel your fires.
My family Significant other Friends MUSIC! Bellatrix (my kitty) This place among some other sites Outdoors I'm sorry you're having such a bad day. When I have those days it always helps if I can sit back, look out an open window and just breathe. Then turn on some nice tunes (preferably the Grateful Dead, Rusted Root, or James Taylor if I'm in real need of a pick me up) and just let myself flow. You probably can't do that at work though huh? Anyhow, I hope your day gets better!
ISNT IT wonderful that we are blessed with so many good things that we can look too instead of sinking into selfpity and pain
self-pity and pain aren't usually my problems as marie can attest. my problem is usually a shitty temper.
THEY arent usually my problem either. but there are some days that just try to push you there. and i love sad days sometimes. its just the frustration that pisses me off. and this morning has been so freaking frustrating.
I'm sorry too that you are having a crappy start to the it your nerves or somthing that made you throw up?? *sends soothing vibes* Going outside always makes me feel better, so does hugs from my kids or talking to my friends. If it's unshakeable self pity I just go in the art room and lock the door. I can loose myself for hours in there and by the time I come out I've forgotten why I went in in the first place. I hope your day gets better.
I DONT KNOW. i think it might be the nerves but i still feel very nauseous. i feel like i should be home in bed, but it is prolly the weekend catching up w/ me. i need to learn to slow down and to realize i am getting old, though i don't feel like i am! outside is my saving grace.
I think that the only thing that truly annoys me is my dad... we get on each other's nerves for some reason, really easy.... sorry that you had a bad day, I hope things picked up for you...
what fuels my fire? i sapose the future, and what i will build there. I am old enough and wise enough now to know what i need to do to make a life with filled with what i need, and i have accuired the the ability to make it happen