Looking for Leo

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by ichigo_fizz, May 11, 2004.

  1. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    I've always liked to personally interact with signs and stuff to get a better idea of what they're like in a general sense, but I haven't come across any Leo males, only females. :( Perhaps someone wants to volunteer to be my "guinea pig"? :D Please ?
  2. Ginge

    Ginge Ye Olde Member

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    Aww, I'm a Leo female, BUT if I come across any Leo males I will send them your way. :)
  3. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    leo males are too proud to admit that even know that they're leo males. it's unmanly.
  4. Ginge

    Ginge Ye Olde Member

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    LOL! Too true...

    But see, that's one Leo trait that I don't think applies to me all that much. I've never been "too proud." And I don't like being the center of attention, either. I'm very shy. [​IMG]
  5. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    aww thanks so much for your help. =D I appreciate it.
  6. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I whouldn't go near a leo guy, they are sorta egotistical.
    But then again i never rally clicked in with leo's anyway.

    They can be humors and like most leos they have the one skill that the other 12 signs don't have ATTENTION,ATTENTION,AND ATTENTION.

    There pretty good at drawing attention and if there not in the spotlight they no what to do to get it in the spotlight.

    I personaly whouldn't try to get in touch with a leo, but then again i envy you for the fact that your trying to learn more about your opposite sign, aquarious.
  7. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    I've always actually liked Leo for that gotta-be-in-the-spotlight attitude. It's never bothered me when people want attention. I guess sometimes it gets irritating dependng on what they do to get it, but I've come across many Leo females and I thought all of them were so cool, like "ooo I wish I could be like heerr" *eye sparkle* type of deal. ^_^; So yeah, I guess it all depends on what one can tolerate, and since I can tolerate it for the most part (being around a lot of Ariens, who also seem to have that trait) I think it'll be a good experience.
  8. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I had this one leo in 2 of my classes, basicly i had him once every year.

    He figured the best way to get attention was to go infront of the class and start acting like a jackass, litterly.

    It was funny at first but by the time i had him in the second year, he was just fucking annoying.

    and i couldn't understand, "doesn't this leo get the idea that he just acting like an idiot"

    I came to the conclusion that he is too proud to acknoledge the fact thats he's an idiot.

    I mean right now i bet he is also proud that he's out of high school, out of work and doesn't even or not in the process of geting a post secondary education.

    I mean he could be a bum on the street and yet he whould still be too proud in himself.

    Leo girls on the other hand there a little bit diffrent, that is interms of the kind of attention they want. There more into the compliment and i notice you did your hair diffrent kinda thing.

    that plus theres a leo girls in one of the other threads, she is getting me "fired up" but i'm not in same point i am with leo guys.

    They can be annoying but I tolerate them, however i can't tolerate or shal i say can't tolerate leo guys.

    Almost the same thing with aries i tolerate aries girls, but the guys sometimes tick me off not as bad as leo thought.

    To be honest i like aqurious the best there friendly and i normally get along with them off the bat.

    but i guess its because of the fact that i have aquarious in my chart, and my sun is in a air sign(gemini).
  9. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    -steps off of his throne to admit he is a male leo, steps back-
  10. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    I don't tolerate Leo girls, a leo is now just pissing me off, i now write

    i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos, i hate all leos, i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,
    i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos, i hate all leos, i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos, i hate all leos, i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos, i hate all leos, i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos, i hate all leos, i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,i hate all leos,
  11. DharmaBum

    DharmaBum Old Guard

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    Leo here..and i dont think i'm the least bit egotistical(okay everyone has an ego but mine is small!)...we get an unfair Wrap damnit!.
  12. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    i agree dharmabum!

    were not ALL that bad.
  13. jimmy_pop2000

    jimmy_pop2000 Member

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    im a leo, and a male, so....HOW BOUT ME?!:D
  14. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    your a leo Fractual???? i was getting along with you somewhere eles on the forums, maybe i've been meeting the bad leos, heck bill clinton wasn't bad as a leo and as a president.

    This gem was just moody, when i wrote the i hate leo thing, i was just moody and grumpy at the time.

    if your are a leo Fractual, you must be a leo girl, because its rare for me to get along with leo guys.
  15. AutumnAuburn

    AutumnAuburn Senior Member

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    There are two kinds of Leos... The extroverted ones who are flambouyant, outgoing and showy... Then there are the quiet ones... Don't want to be the center of attention, but don't want to be ignored, either...

    All are egotistical, however the extroverted ones wear it on their sleeves, the introverted ones do not. You can hurt their pride and never know it... We actually get wounded quite easily, but we tend to forgive, even easier.

    I've dated two Leo males. They were both the quiet type. Actually, too quiet for me, I found them boring... LOL

    And, I'm the quiet Leo type, as well... However, my Sagittarian Ascendant pushes me out a little bit. I don't fear taking risks, despite the possible injury to my pride... :)
  16. ichigo_fizz

    ichigo_fizz Member

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    Which sign do you believe would make you shyest in your ascendent? it would have to be either Pisces or Cancer, don't you think?
  17. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    Most of the leo girls i know are quiet types, most of the leo guys i know are the extroverted show offs, which i don't like.
  18. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    i say pisces, because if one compared a gemini to a pisces, the gemini is "suposedly" loud and the pisces is suposedly quiet.

    so with that said i think that pisces whould be alot more shyer because of there quietness.

    actually what about capircorn rising???
  19. ashleypiccone23

    ashleypiccone23 Member

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    Leo Girl Here .. trying to find a Leo guy to talk to but it just isn't working.. :mad: Everywhere i look .. everyone is like.. nope .. no leo males here... Ummm... would any of you leo guys be intrested ?? Im trying to see how leo's get along. :rolleyes:


  20. Thethirdbenjamin

    Thethirdbenjamin Member

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    Well all say, i had to leos in one of my clases before, there was some kind of conection, i could never figure out how thought, i guess its the fact that they both like attention as these two leos where the extroverted,show off types.

    Anyway one of leos contiued going on drawing attention from the class but as he did so he fed some of that attention to the other leo and the other leo resonsded by giving him her attention.

    He went up being the clown he is and as he did his jokes he directed it towards her, so he was drawing attention from the class and directing it to her.

    weird?? i whould have been pissed but instead she smiled, i assumed because of the attention he was giving her.

    Basicly they drew attention towards each other.

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