Looking For Insight! Please Help...

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by LovelyLibraLady1015, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. LovelyLibraLady1015

    LovelyLibraLady1015 Member

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    This may seem like an odd place to ask this question but I'm looking for more spiritual guidance.

    I have been dating my boyfriend for a little over 3 months. I love him dearly with all my heart and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. I waited a long time to meet him and I am terrified I'll lose him. He is currently battling an alcohol addiction. He's seeking counsel through his church and AA and I'm proud of him. I also hurt... he has less time for me and it's part of his program so I'm trying to be patient (not my strong point) and supportive.

    I just want to know if I'm doing to right thing? Can anyone who has more of a clairvoyant insight help to give me piece of mind?

    I've been practicing prayer and meditation (as best I can) and working out to ease the mental anguish but it's so hard.

    Help, please :( I feel lost and I have so many unanswered questions...
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There is a group called Alenon that helps people deal with alcoholics...I heard it is very helpful.....as living with an alcoholic or dating one is a tough place to be in.
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  3. Annwyn'Bri

    Annwyn'Bri Member

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    Even if you could find someone truly clairvoyant, they would only be able to tell you possibilities, not confirmations. Unless the world was made up with just a few people, there is no way to really predict what is going to happen. With a world population of 7 billion people, and each person has free will to decide for themselves what to do next, prediction is impossible. Life changes so fast just for the individual. When you multiply that by 7 billion with changes happening every second, the possibilities change just as fast. The most someone could do is tell you about one or two, maybe three possibilities assuming nothing changed over time.

    There are no guarantees in life, especially in relationships. Rather worry about the future... plan for it, and live for today. Worry doesn't make anything better.

    Enjoy the time you have today... if you are agonizing about tomorrow, and worrying if you are doing the right thing... you are going to miss the enjoyment of what is happening right now.
    2 people like this.
  4. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    A therapist might be able to help you more than a psychic. Clarifying how you feel, whether the relationship is healthy or not, etc. seems like a better goal.

    There really is no one right way in most cases. Usually there are just a bunch different trade offs and an uncertain future.
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  5. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    i can help you if you want just tell me your first name, birth date, you star sign, your spirit animal and we can go from there.
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  6. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You've got nothing to loose. Keep practicing.
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  7. LovelyLibraLady1015

    LovelyLibraLady1015 Member

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    Thank you for the beautiful help everyone, I truly take it to heart. I've done a lot of research and it's helping to understand the situation!

    IMjustfishin here's my info:
    October 15 1984
    I'm not sure of my spirit animal but I have a very good feeling it may be a snake. My Cherokee roots are strong and they always pop up in my dreams and in the real world, too.

    Thanks for your time!
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    op-you are a moron if you think that info will do anything

    no there isn't a group called that..............if your advice was sincere you could at least look up the right fucking spelling.
  9. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    i've got a pretty active totem relationship with snake . it's just as well the bible story i heard as a child
    had a talking snake , since the totem of the snake is for a lover of communication . even the sign it leaves
    in the sand is the symbol for sound . i like it when my dad finally got over his dread for snakes that his fear
    of me was also greatly diminished .

    an informal suggestion relating to that : how about keeping an observational journal of your friend's recovery ?
    it's just an example of an action that would be something more than prayer though likewise unobtrusive . it
    will be useful to each of you later on .
  10. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I do not need to. Got you as my spell check...and everything check....LOL
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  11. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    Thank you for the Cherokee detail, that was very insightful.

    First thing I see is that you and your boyfriend do have strong feelings for each other and your spirits want to come together in harmony. But imidiately there is some obstacle between you two that is not allowing this to happen. I get a very strong sense of obstruction from this obstacle so I will talk about that first.

    The image I get is the persons neck/spine cut off from the body, a sense of disconnection between the emotions and their actions. I am giong to say that this represents your boyfriends addiction wrecking havoc in his life and not letting him do what he wants to do. He wants to do so much but he is basically incapable at the moment. I also feel some physical symptoms that he has incluiding head aches, insomnia, visual disturbance, emotional disturbance, and anger. His internal compas is out of order so he is going through a period in his life now where he is not progressing the way he would like to. This obstacle that I feel, is very strong and the only way I can describe it is HUGE. I get a sense that it is encompasing both of your lives right now.

    I feel like this is obviously a stressful time for both of you, but one thing that is diffrent about you is that you are suddenly getting stronger emotional impulses then usual. This means you will responde emotionally and you are easily moved by simple things. also, I get a strong urge that somebody, either you or your boyfriend, wants to express very strong feelings through some form of artistic means ( I suggest you follow these urges if you havent already). I get the sense that you are actively trying to help your boyfriend with this burden that is obstructing both of your lives, but there are other forces or other people that are preventing your boyfriend from ridding himself of this burden. There are people in your/his life that are preventing him from fully cleansing his spirit of this obstacle. No matter how hard you try to remove this obstacle from your lives, i feel like these forces may be stronger than you.

    Thats all I have for you, both of your lives will not be in balance unless you remove this obstacle from your lives. Your boyfriend has strong feelings for you but is disconected emotionally because of this obstacle, maybe thats why you feel he has less time for you. There are forces working against you, maybe you should focus on distancing yourself and your boyfriend from these forces (I have a feeling you know what I am talking about but it is not clear to me).

    I hope that was helpful for you, please let us know if my reading helped you make sense of things.
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  12. LovelyLibraLady1015

    LovelyLibraLady1015 Member

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    Your reading is spot on. I do know the obstacles he faces, most of them...

    Also, I think a lot of his friends are drinking buddies and have other addictions and they play an influence on his behavior.
    It's funny you chose the word HUGE because when he was explaining his problem to me, he said he wasn't sure if I would understand but it was monumental, this is "HUGE".

    And there is a definite disconnect between his actions and his emotions but I know he means well and he's trying his best.

    I'm his biggest cheerleader. I have the utmost hope that things will get better and whatever force is holding him back will eventually succumb to what is meant to be and I will win.
    My love for him his strong and never have I felt more protective of another's heart and soul than I do for him. He made parts of me come alive that I never knew existed and I owe him my love and loyalty because we really compliment each other and I love him unconditionally and in some way I think that is what he needs most right now.
    Unconditional love...
    That sounds cheesy but it is the force I feel most when i meditate on this and once upon a time, a very smart person told me that based on my past life that my journey in love would not be an easy one and that to find love I needed to learn to be love.
    This is my lesson in this... learning to be love. Unconditional love. And there isn't much I can think of that is stronger than that ;)
    This is why I chose this forum for this advice, spiritual advice.
    Thanks so much, it really helped to clarify some things.
  13. LovelyLibraLady1015

    LovelyLibraLady1015 Member

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    Just thought I would update everyone.

    Things are getting better, slow progression is better than none!

    He's starting to show some signs of his actions and emotions coming together again. He's remorseful and he has shown a lot more self-control in all areas of his life.

    I feel like before, he thought I would run and once he realized I'm here to offer support, encouragement, and my love, his whole demeanor has changed. I'm sure a sober mind has helped and the first 3 weeks he was kind of cranky (as expected) so it was hard to have an in depth conversation with him without him turning it into a negative.

    I'm proud of him but I'm also proud of me.

    I'm learning to not be a control freak and as a result my worries have become less and I've been talking to my mother and she has helped me to see it from a different perspective that my otherwise cloudy mind couldn't. She has made me feel like it's okay to talk about and express how I feel and not feel guilty for having those feelings. I just express myself to her instead of him, she's the most unbiased person I know.

    I realized I was more emotional than usual, feeling everything more deeply than I ever have before... not sure if it is the circumstances or just a change in me. I still feel this but I'm learning to channel it in a positive, uplifting way instead of the other.

    Thanks for your help guys. Sometimes just letting it out in the open helps tremendously!
  14. GanjaBabi

    GanjaBabi Members

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    I know this might sound odd to some but ever since I was about 3 years old I have been able to see and sense spirits. To be exact it all began the night my grandfather on my father's side passed away...I had been spending the night with my father and I was in bed when I awoke suddenly and saw a man standing at the foot of the bed smiling. I began screaming my father ran in and asked me what was wrong I told him I had seen a ghost... My father told me I was having a nightmare and held me until I calmed down... About 15 minutes later my grandmother called and told my father that his biological father had passed away about 45 minutes before she called which 45 minutes before she called was when I had woke up and seen the man standing at the foot of the bed smiling. Ever since that night I have had the ability to see and feel the presence of the spirits. Sometimes they come to me as orbs or as a light mist other times I know they are there because I will get the sensation of someone watching me or experience the cold that sends shivers down your spine... There have also been times when they have come to me in dreams asking for my help and when I ask how I can help them I wake up before they can answer the question. There is one spirit I see and feel the presence of more than any and that is the spirit of my older sister she would have been 37 as of April 4th 2014. She was my mother's first born child... My mother had my sister Theresa out of wedlock at the young age of 17 well my mother a her mother didn't get along so my grandmother called child protective services on my mother and they took my sister and placed her in my Aunt Charolette's care well at the time my Aunt was involved with a married man whom would not leave his wife... When my sister was 4 and still in my aunt's care my Aunt drove her car into a lake in the state of Michigan as the man she was involved with rounded the corner on his boat... My aunt died instantly but my sister on the other hand was still alive when paramedics reached the seen... They rushed my sister to the nearest hospital but because she was so young and had just experienced a terrible trauma she went into shock and died of a heart attack moments later... As I said my mother had my sister at 17 I was born when my mother was 34 and now I don't know why but I believe because my sister passed away at such a young age and so tragically when I was born she became my Guardian Angel because when something bad happens in my life or I attempt to take my own life I see my sister and she always says everything will be fine yup just have to believe... There are still times when other spirits will contact me and sometimes I am afraid but I guess my question is... Is my being able to see, feel, and communicate with the spirits of those who have passed a gift or a curse? Another question I have is What is a better way to understand what they are trying to tell me and help them with what they need? Please help me I have been asking these questions for years and everytime I tell someone about being able to see, feel,and communicate with the spirits of the dead they tell me I am crazy... So what is a better way for me to understand what they are trying to tell me? And How can I help them with their need effectively and efficiently?
    I'm so confused and if you don't feel like explaining through a comment feel free to send me a private message
  15. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    please do not attempt suicide again . as to what the dead are trying to tell you ? ... please do not
    commit suicide . the ancestors have only desired that life be strong . god is crazy , god is good .
    the needs of the dead can be met with non-specific prayer , as like incense rising .
  16. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    everyone who sees spirits really needs to get professional help. have a professional determine if you are sane, because you might be suffering from some mental illness and not know it. if you are healthy, go ahead and talk to all the orbs, spirits, ghosts and goblins you see, plan a night out, or a picnic with them and have fun with your new friends!

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