Looking for a new home & family / peace love & harmony

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by clouddy, Feb 18, 2019.


Are there any communes or commune-like places in the south east?

  1. I know of a place...

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  1. clouddy

    clouddy Members

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    Ive just turned 21, living in Charleston, SC. & I’ve been slowly coming to the conclusion that I can no longer see myself thriving in this self-serving, technology saturated era. I’m looking for like minded people, people who understand the value of human interaction, natural resources & Mother Earth. Does anyone know if there’s a commune or a communelike place? Anywhere semi near South Carolina?:relieved:
  2. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Home - Unitarian Church in Charleston While I know NOTHING about Charleston (or SC for that matter), I do know quite a bit about the Unitarian-Universalist church. I AM NOT PREACHING AND I AM NOT PROSELYTIZING. I recommend that you look into the organization as a stepping stone for the life and lifestyle that you seek. They are generally an excellent resource. Good luck with your search :)

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