Longevity Correlates to Number of Neurons

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is another one of those findings that makes me go cross-eyed. They've basically found a yard stick they can use to explore the architecture of nature, using thermodynamics. The implication is human consciousness is an emergent effect of a self-organizing system, and we inhabit a singularity where black holes, for example, are comparable to the neurons in our brains and everything expresses repeated fractal patterns across vast scales. Cosmic whirlpools have turned out to obey the Schrodinger equation, and the implication is the brain itself reflects the laws of nature and they are totally ready to go down the rabbit hole now taking extensive measurements.

    In a metaphorical universe, or paradoxical one, a phase transition and a metamorphic effect are two sides of the same coin, making it possible to also describe the brain as a self-organizing system that expresses thermodynamic resilience, and then build on that model to express more organic perspectives. The mind and brain can be comparable to a storm that persists, and it is how they persist in maintaining consciousness and reality as we know it that they can now explore. We never step in the same river twice, because we are the river. Be the drooling idiot! You'll live longer.

    Millions of scientists worldwide have divided up into four teams, with each team dedicated to exploring fractal recursions in nature in a specific manner. This discovery is related to Adrian Bejan's Constructal Theory, which is similar to the ancient Chinese concept of Chi, and is undoubtedly the most popular and different theory in thermodynamics today. What the thermodynamic models should eventually express are the Four Seasons of the Bagua, or passage of time. Metaphorically speaking, you could say time is nature's way of telling us our story.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018

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