Long Distance Online Relationship Advice

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by smokingnome, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. smokingnome

    smokingnome Members

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    hey guys, so I have been having problems with my girlfriend lately, and I wanted to reach out for help and advice.

    I met a girl online at the end of last year. since the day we met we have talked almost every day, and decided to even make our relationship official. she sends me nudes all the time, and will even do video chat with me. but we have never met in person. the problem is, we live in different countries, and speak different languages. this is not too big of a deal for me, as I am willing to work with it. I also send her money at the end of every month, although it isn't all that much, and I send her presents on days like valentines day, her birthday, etc.

    I am willing to buy a plane ticket to go take a vacation and go see her. but when I bring it up, she at first says that we haven't been together long enough and she isn't ready to meet me yet. then upon seeing my reaction, she said she would think about it. we have been together 3 1/2 months now, and never has more than 1 day gone by in which we don't talk. I think this is more than sufficient to proceed to meeting. so generally I am pretty livid about her not wanting to meet me. I have broken up with her two or three times in the past two weeks because of this but each time she talks me in to staying. but still she will not bend on her decision to 'think about it.'

    also I should add that she is super hot and I may never have a girl that is quite this hot again.

    she says we will work it out before the summer, which I guess is in two or three months.

    should I wait? or should I break it off? and how can I not be offended?
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Are you serious?

    I guess you never heard of the show Catfish?
    Anyone can be anyone on the internet....but when it is time to meet, there are all kinds of excuses...You are good enough for her to be sent money to, but not good enough to meet in real person?
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  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    oops, trying to edit...something went wrong.
  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Is this girl in Russia maybe Thailand or some country like that? You send her money? Sounds like you are one of many guys she is doing this to. I don't want to sound harsh you probably care about her but she is scamming you. Pretty girl finds lonely guy sends a few nudes and cashes the check. You will never meet that is not how it works. :unsure:
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  5. Adamskiffle

    Adamskiffle Members

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    'I also send her money at the end of every month, although it isn't all that much, and I send her presents on days like valentines day, her birthday, etc.'

    You are being played dude! Sorry, but that's almost certainly the truth.

    Find a girl that lives at least a bit closer and move on.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    and they all say that women have fewer career opportunities than men... no way a man could pretend to be some foreign girl's online boyfriend for a living.
  7. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    So are you certain of your motivations? There's a little more to a relationship than a hot foreign chick sending nudes. And in my opinion there is no reason to send her money, that's a sure sign of trouble.
  8. smokingnome

    smokingnome Members

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    Ah well thanks for the reality check. Some true things have been said here. If she only wants money, I don't understand why she is so committed. But maybe I am just underestimating how low some people can go

    I'll stop sending her money, and see if she sticks around
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  9. smokingnome

    smokingnome Members

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    Well that didn't take long. I told her that I wouldn't send any more money and she said she would start seeing other guys. I told her if she did that I would break up with her, and I did. Then she said she didn't even want to be friends anymore even after talking every day for 3 months.

    so I called her mother and told her what a little bitch she was being, conning people, being a whore, etc.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    ^ hopefully your next post isn't "i started a relationship with my ex's mom, and i send her money every month."

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