If you have any loner qualities... even if you're not a totally a loner- but can be at times... well, what about it is good? (i will post then)
It helps you think more. Learn more about yourself, and get to really know yourself, something many people can't do. Studies show that loners tend to be smarter.
my reasons- - you can deal with yourself- there is no other more important person -no one can hurt you -no one can annoy you -you cant get hurt - you dont have to deal with BULLSHIT that other people have... whether that means lies, stds, fucking getting arrested for the drugs THEY have in your car, THEIR schedules, their drama... it's DONE and over -you dont have to worry about meeting people -you dont have to worry about the people you know betraying you and on this.. im making a new thread. btw, hi mike.
it's okay.. i like being independent too but i forget what thread i was gonna make. my memory isnt always the best. so ill just hug you
I love being alone, no one to bitch at you, I can talk to myself and If I don't want bothered, I don't have to respond
There's a lot to be said for people who have the imagination to keep themselves occupied, unlike the attention whores out there who are just annoying. Personally I enjoy some quiet time
Being a loner can be good because you're not being influenced by anyone else. You have the freedom to not be judged, and you have the freedom to think deeply, which is not permitted by always being around people. The people who are always around others seldom have the time to just think and be one with themselves in their mind. They loose sense of their true selves and the world around them.
youre' right, matt... and as i think it's good to be around other at times.. time alone is prolly even more "worth-while"- if not even more so.
I enjoy my own company, and at times I've constantly been around other people for semi long periods of time... I thought I was going to go insane... I definitely need time by myself...