
Discussion in 'Relationships' started by TooTrue, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    I'm here talking to people, yet feel very lonely.
    I want to know what keeps YOU from feeling lonely?
  2. TheOrchardist

    TheOrchardist Member

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    Talking to people online. Seriously, it really does help me.
  3. RickyRicardo

    RickyRicardo Member

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    I think at some point, we all feel lonely regardless of who we talk to and who we have around us.

    It's just about finding the right balance & maintaining it in the things that we do and the people we talk to.
    A lot of the time - at least in my instance - my work prevents a lonely state given the interactive nature of it all.

    Though as the above post says, talking to people online is definitely a great way to go about it.
  4. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    Thanks for all your replies. I was beginning to think this wasn't a very friendly forum.
  5. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    What I do from keeping from being lonely is get out in the real world and spend time with real people! Talking to people online would do nothing to keep me from feeling lonely.
  6. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    I do that also. But still feel lonely.
    Maybe it's just something inside me, you think?
  7. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    I can not answer that for you! Feeling lonely is just not something I ever have a problem with. Maybe take up some new hobbies and keep yourself busy so you can keep your mind off being lonely. Might also meet some new people in some of the hobbies to keep you company.
  8. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Yeah it's possible but you have to look in to isolate and identify the causes of why you feel lonely because that's different from everyone.

    Are you bored with domestic life?
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I am not the type of person who ever feels lonely. Pretty much literally... I have felt lonely before but it's been years. I'm the type of person who just doesn't get bored and I'm happy in my own company if no one else is around.
    And honestly it's really hard to be lonely when you live with other people in my opinion... if I lived alone I'm sure it would be different... but with husband and kids... by the time I finally DO get some time alone in the evenings and stuff I'm always like "yayyy me time!!"

    But anyways... if I was lonely I wouldn't really look to fill that void online. Sure it can help but it can also make it worse. I would look in real life... join a group or something on meetup.com or whatever... just get out and do something.
  10. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    First thanks to all of you for your responses. I do various group things, I even run a group, but I think monkjr may be right, I need to isolate & identify why. I wasn't sure if it was different from that everyone feels, that's sort of why I'm asking.
    I'm single, (but have been married before). While there was a type of love, I'm thinking it wasn't the type to satisfy that feeling of really having THAT special someone in your life. I think I'm missing that. I don't know if that's the answer, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.
    I will give it more thought. Thanks monkjr, and all of you for your input.
  11. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm a hermit....

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    One can often get that feeling of isolation, when in the company of those who are not willing to invest time getting to see that, which lies behind a mask (and which many of us wear)

    The key (I find) is to take comfort in the confidence one has with/in, ones Conviction + Conscience - Yes I am the "Fool on the Hill" - still, that's not so bad = methinks :)
  13. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    I am usually on here double tasking, when I am lonely I come here as well but it's not often I am lonely. I see a lot of people through my work even tho it's at home and. I talk lots to people on the phone for my work so I don't have a lot of time to actually be lonely.
    I like this site and it is friendly unless like on any site peeps feel like they are being fed a bunch of BS which was about the time and situation you came in.
    If that happens just be patient and things will smooth out once people get to trust you. It's common for noobs to sense a bit of heat on entry especially if they don't introduce themselves and show their good intensions.
    I'd say a good majority of the long timers here are for a good time and treat each other well even if a few have some arguments, that's par for the course.
    Have a good time here and get rid of that loneliness if that works for you.
    I will also admit I never did introduce myself but I read a lot and got to know people's feelings a bit at the beginning and like anyone I had a few run ins I am sure. It's not uncommon but to feel the whole site is unfriendly over an event like that might cut you short over all, most forums are similar.
  14. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Too true:

    Nothing is missing from reality. Perhaps a sense of loneliness arises from special requirements. We always stand in relationship so loneliness is a kind of self conviction and not a fact of nature. Over time no other person can satisfy our moment to moment special requirements or interests. It is not the fault of the other person but reflects the measure of our own vague sense of satisfaction.
  15. VerySexual

    VerySexual Members

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    "Hello darkness, my old friend,
    I've come to talk with you again..."

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4"]The Sound of Silence (Original Version from 1964) - YouTube

    Sometimes, it's good for me. I catch myself in lonliness and force myself to play some good music, go do something. Clean something, make something, plant something or perhaps water what has been planted. There is always vehicle service in my world.

    Or maybe,
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsmY0tFJEIE"]Led Zeppelin-I Can't Quit You Babe Live with lyrics - YouTube


    Thanks! I needd that! ...time to spin up some Zeppelin!

    P.S. ...that's interesting. I intended to post links only. This forum displays the full monte. (Oops!) Iguess I'm still learning. Senior members feel free to make suggestions.
  16. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i can't feel lonely, because i can't seem to get any fucking alone time. i half expect a bathroom attendant to show up every time i go to take a shit at home.
  17. dark suger

    dark suger Dripping With Sin!

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    I feel very alone some times well a lot of the time even when I'm with people I feel lonely but at least when they are around they want things like conversation or empathy that force me to like become this character that is able to do those things but when they leave I feel empty because at least when they are there and I'm pretending I can feel like a person but when they are gone I'm back to my inner thoughts that make me feel isolated from the rest of humanity
  18. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    Ha, ha. As long as you are happy Tyrsonswood.
  19. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    Thank you Sally, that was very nice of you. I appreciate it. I agree it was unusual timing on my part (Ha, ha, I've had a life-time of unusual timing). It was also my fault. I'm not great at choosing names, and I didn't introduce myself (I never know what to say, I'm an average person).

    I can't really say I came here out of loniliness. I have a lot of friends, and some keep the same hours that I do, so there's always someone to talk to. I found this forum and thought it may be fun.

    Talking about the 'special' someone. I find very few men I like enough to go on a date with. I probably need to explore those issues more, and it would probably help to solve the other. (catch22).

    Thanks for reaching out a hand.
  20. TooTrue

    TooTrue Member

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    You make sense to me. I can perceive intellectually that nothing is missing from reality. It's conceptually I stumble. (and i know I am the root).
    Your words carry a lot of weight; I will reflect. Thank you!

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