Locker Room Nudity

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Nakedwalker, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    When I worked at a mill years ago, men and women used the same showers. Naked. And women had no problems and men had no boners. The women were pretty good looking, too. But we respected their space. Newbies, OTOH, always the young men from college, they always cranked boners. We really never paid much attention to anyone's parts (other than making fun of the boys), we always looked each other in the eye when talking.

    I was going to college a couple years ago and they have a group shower for the men's locker room. I was using the shower daily, naked, and the young fathers would come through with their kids and it was common place to get threats. In one instance I followed the dad out into the hallway (I was naked) daring him to follow through with his threats. Problem is...I'm in Mormonville. It is common for men and boys to use the toilet cubicles to change clothes before they hit the pool./ And they always where t shirts, afraid of showing their own male-breasts. Man, and here they think *I* need mental therapy? Not me, man! Not me!
    Stuart Little likes this.
  2. bananaman321

    bananaman321 Members

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    Here in England there has been a big change over the years. Twenty years ago at my local public baths there were banks of showers and you all showered together. Now there are individual showers with lockable doors and cubicles. Hardly anyone in the mens' changing rooms will change without going into a cubicle or wrapping a towel round themselves. Why are they so ashamed of their bodies ? Apart from myself, I have only seen about two men walk nude from the showers to the changing area to dry and get dressed. I don't understand it !
  3. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    Men are becoming good little prudish robots. Society has successfully conditioned them to either be ashamed of nudity or homophobic to the point that they fear being nude is an invitation to have another man jump their bones. I can't speak for women's locker rooms.

    The younger generations have apparently not rejected Victorian standards. I'm glad this new prudishness has not overtaken my local gym, but it is mostly older people at this particular gym. Most hippies of the 60s era liberated themselves from the burden of being phobic about nudity.
  4. nudistguyny

    nudistguyny Senior Member

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    A few years back I was invited to a nude swim . The group once a month during the winter rents the indoor swimming pool area of a local club. And they have the full use of the pool area and the locker rooms. But the group mostly only uses one locker room and bath to cut down on costs. Everyone undresses and dresses in the one locker room. Keep in mind that this is a co-ed group with a few families with children. The whole group acted like one big extended family. With everyone keeping a eye on the children that were there. And made sure that someone ( anyone from the group ) escorted them to the bathroom or the locker room. I was very impressed with how protective they were. To my knowledge there was never a issue in the past. But they were cautious .
    Maybe because I have attended different events over the years that being in the same locker room dressing and undressing did not seem weird or strange. It just seemed normal..
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    basically women think we're crazy. they all have these private shower stalls, and private changing areas, and from what i've heard a lot of them still won't get totally naked to shower. i've actually heard women complaining that they saw one naked woman in the women's locker room. then i tell them about our communal showers, and the guys shaving and powdering their balls in public, and lying around with their legs spread and their assholes presented to the whole world and they totally freak out.
  6. nldn

    nldn Senior Member

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    I'm not sure exactly when it changed. Things that could possibly be the cause was when swimming pool changing became cubicles, so that they could either be unisex, or just a cultural one given faiths other than Christianity are recognised more.

    When I was at school it was the gang showers as described by the OP.
    Stuart Little likes this.
  7. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The shower configuration change is a minor change, compared to the change from all-nude swimming for men and boys of decades past.

    My high school had the open shower room, but we also had physical education class one week per month in the swimming pool completely naked. Nude, all lined up for roll-call, standing in line waiting to use a lane, all lined up to use the diving board. It was quite common from the 1920s to the 1960s, and men and boys swam nude at the YMCA in most places until the late 1950s or early1960s. Indoor pools became common in the 1920s as a result of new technologies and plumbing techniques, and the all-nude requirement had to do with swim shorts being made of natural fibers such as wool that shed and clogged filters and other equipment. However, even after most swimwear was made of artificial fibers that didn't shed, the tradition of nude swimming continued in some places.

    My school continued the tradition of nude male swim class until the mid-1990s. It wasn't just done at all-male schools. It was also common in co-ed schools for the boys to swim nude as part of physical education, through the 1970s in some places. I think it was because of swim class nude, rather than just the communal showers which were used for all athletic purposes, but the girls all heard fairly quickly which guys in school were the largest, and which guys were the smallest. Word about the size outliers at either extreme spread and became common knowledge. At ages 14-18, there tends to be a lot of talk about anything related to sex, including the sexual equipment of one's peers, especially if it's on full display in groups of up to 30-50 at a time for an entire hour of the school day. There are always a few guys who are huge, and a few who are tiny, and they got talked about. Guys were eager to talk, and girls were curious to know.

    Regarding the UK and nudity, it wasn't always prudish about nudity. As the ancient Romans were nude at the baths for up to 3 hours per day (men and women together in the hundreds at a time), men and women routinely bathed nude together in rivers, streams, lakes, and the sea in the UK for most of history and until fairly recently. People have always lived near natural sources of water and that's where people bathed. The practice of men and women bathing and swimming nude together in large numbers was a regular part of life until indoor plumbing became common, not all that long ago.

    It naturally ended in large cities in the UK as rivers became polluted from industry and sewerage, and people stopped bathing altogether in urban stretches of rivers, but mixed nude swimming and bathing continued as the rule in rural areas until about the middle of the Victorian era. At the seashore in the UK, men and boys swam fully nude in the presence of girls and women until nudity there was banned in 1860.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020
  8. NakedInfluence

    NakedInfluence Member

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    I've driven to a local high school completely naked in the middle of the night 10-20 times and climbed the fence to take a swim in the pool. What I find baffling is the boys' changing room has three shower heads on the wall with no partitions so you can see and be seen by the two other boys who might be showering as well as anyone getting changed. The girls' however has partitions between each shower head so you can still be seen by the vast majority of girls across the room but just not the two other showers. Makes no sense to me.
  9. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    I remember going to the Y with my dad as a child, with it's big open showers, and weekly time set aside for all-male nude swimming. Would be a pity if that's no longer the case.
    BiSal and Texasdude65 like this.
  10. Eclass

    Eclass I love to stroke

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    My dad & granddad's generation had no issues with nudity in gym locker rooms, where men were men with no hangups on body types, sizes or the lack's generation is not so, men have become paranoid beta men focusing so much on being metro sexual...on the other hand there is also heavy cell phone/camera usage from spy pervs etc.....times have changed...good-bye communal showers.
  11. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Add all that "identifying" crap and we've got a muddled mess on our hands.
    Stuart Little and Eclass like this.
  12. Harry Smith

    Harry Smith Members

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    British here and I remember as a lad the local swimming pool moved from open plan changing rooms and showers to cubicles for both around the mid 70s. At the same time they also started allowing women to work on the desk on the male side taking clothes baskets and handing out discs. Not long after that they allowed women to enter the changing rooms to tidy up etc. Over the years its become the norm to the extent that the new leisure centre only has mixed changing rooms/showers.
  13. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That makes sense. It's the solution to all the uproar and confusion. Just one changing area and bathroom with stalls, and no complaints about seeing any genitalia.

    I was heading to a men's room and found a wet floor sign in the doorway, said aloud oh they're cleaning and a young lady inside motioned me in and toward the urinal so I went while she kept mopping. I made sure to remove my entire package out the jeans zipper and after peeing turned enough for her to have a clear view of me fully out and then working my semi hard cock back in which took a couple tries since I was bending it and letting it pop back out pretending to be trying. As I'm slowly pulling up the zipper I look over, we lock eyes for a second then hers go straight to staring at my crotch. I accommodate some more as I thank her, she replied you're welcome with a nice smile. I musta had a big grin on my face. I felt really good about that experience. All positive vibes.
    BiSal and bananaman321 like this.
  14. bluewatersurfer

    bluewatersurfer Members

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    In the "locker room", nobody gives it a second thought at least not the one's I have been in
    but candidly probably not the best for ladies....
  15. Jesse49

    Jesse49 Members

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    Throughout high school and in college where I played hockey the shower room was open with just shower heads and hooks for towels. I never had a problem with that. I don’t care who sees me naked as I came into this world that way. A person should never be ashamed of there body. If a person feels uncomfortable being around naked others of the same sex then that is their choice and their phobia to live with.
  16. TrudginAcrossTheTundra

    TrudginAcrossTheTundra Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I feel like that should be extendable to everyone. Plus, destigmatizing seeing each other naked seems like would result in a healthier society.
    Often at the beach we see pretty much everything of others, what's the point in forcing everyone to cover that last little bit? It seems kind of arbitrary and pointless.
    Texasdude65 and Jesse49 like this.
  17. Blindboy

    Blindboy Members

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    I did'nt know it had got like this. When I was in school, after swim class we boys would shower together and it was a normal sort of thing. And when I got older and had my two boys, we would often shower together. It's good for boys to not be shy about their nakedness and be comfortable around other boys or men in situations of nudity...
    Sean Tom, ~Zen~ and Texasdude65 like this.
  18. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    It is getting more uptight in the USA. But as the columnist Dan Savage once observed, "Canada got the French, Australia got the convicts, and we got the Puritans."
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  19. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Never had the luxury of private showers in school. Never liked being naked around a bunch of other guys. Plus you always have the wise guy cracking jokes about size,or the lack of it. I did find myself guilty of checking out girlfriends of the well endowed guys. A bit of profiling on my part.
    SaraSara likes this.
  20. Blindboy

    Blindboy Members

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    I was diagnosed with a neuromuscular desease at 11 and lost most of my vision at 12. I would not even let anyone see me in shorts because of my underdeveloped legs and I was and still am on the very small size when it comes to my penis. The blind school was great but I was petrified that I had to shower with the other boys after swim class. But I faced my fear and got naked right along with the others. No one ever made fun of my legs and I came to find out that even though some boys were really large between their legs, most were just like me. Showering with my friends was really a bonding experiance, as I felt more like one of the guys...
  21. Justme22863

    Justme22863 Members

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    Maybe that wimpy kid was bisexual or gay and he was not comfortable being around a bunch of naked guys. My first near erection in a public shower was an absolute nightmare

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