Well thats another loft fire in this town down to growing, why do people get so complacent? funny how counting bud can make you turn a blind eye as your watching your garden expand.
Local Man Charged with Huffing Stolen Can of Air... http://www.westkentuckystar.com/News/Local-Regional/Western-Kentucky/Local-Man-Charged-with-Huffing-Stolen-Can-of-Air.aspx
I always read over the local news the last 15 minutes p of my work day because I go to a local news site to check the traffic report They find an awful lot of dead bodies around here. For a long time I was convinced there was a serial killer..then it turned out, there IS a local serial killer but they caught him and dead bodies continue to turn up daily. So now I think theres probably just a plethora of serial killers running amuck around here. Lots of child abuse too. And a meth lab here and there.
They do love to string these things out just cut the blue wire its only a bomb lol http://www.kentlive.news/bomb-on-folkestone-harbour-won-t-be-removed-until-this-evening/story-30239175-detail/story.html
Forgot about this, but if your going to do it big then at least do it in style i guess. nuclear bunker stuffed full of plants and human trafficking http://metro.co.uk/2017/02/24/massive-cannabis-farm-discovered-in-nuclear-bunker-6469250/
Where I live (Graves county, Kentucky) is absolutely ate up with meth labs. At times there will be an arrest every day.
Kentucky continues its battle with Mississippi for status as the most backward state in the union... Bible Literacy Bill Headed to Governor's Desk http://www.westkentuckystar.com/News/State/Kentucky/Bible-Literacy-Bill-Headed-to-Governor-s-Desk.aspx
"Hobbs was incoherent and lethargic and unresponsive to their commands and questions." But he was inhaling air. Is there some kind of accelerant in those cans?