I’m back from college living at home with my parents (I’m 25) I had been living naked while I was away. I want to go nude here too can anyone tell me how to tell my parents? Thanks
Well......I Think The Answer To Your Question Is.......Discuss It With Them.......And If They Are Not Happy Then Compromise By Wearing A "Speedo".......Speedo's Are Cool..... Cheers Glen.
Lol! You’re in their house, if they’re mostly clothed individuals, they’ll surely be uncomfortable with you being naked all the time. Put your lifestyle on hold until you have your own place where you call the shots. Don’t be so self centered.
I too ran into that issue. I got into nudism at age 20 while in France and had texted my parents about it. When I returned to the States, I spoke with both my parents about my desire to live nude. My dad didn't have any issues with it. He and I have seen each other naked my whole life. Mom on the other hand has only seen me semi naked a few times...in HS she's seen me wearing a jock strap a few times, but more often in just my underwear. After some discussion, she agreed to it on condition I did not answer the door while nude or be nude when there were guest at home. Sensible rules which were easy to comply with That was eight years ago. I have been living a nudist lifestyle ever since. Neither of my parents had any issues seeing me naked. I currently share a house I bought with my mother and yes I am always nude at home. I don't feel I'm naked, it's just how I like to dress when at home. My advice to you is talk to your parents about it. If there has been some nudity at home before, it will be easier for them to accept your chosen lifestyle.
You should not tell your parents but instead surprise them by coming out of your room naked. And be like "Surprise mom and dad, guess what, i'm a nudist now. You'll be seeing a lot more of me." I'm sure they will be happy for you.
Communication is key. I would sit down with them and explain the situation with them. Tell them you would like to be nude at home if possible. They may ask for some conditions or just say no way. Be respectful of there decision and remember some day you will have your own place and can be nude all the time.