Keep it light! What are some silly things you have been asked, on beyond the where do you get your ... questions? (I answer "food.") Last week, someone asked if I can use shampoo.
In a Boolean search, an asterisk is a wildcard. In this case it shortens "vegetarian or vegan." It was used heavily on the old hip forums, and the first couple years of 2.0.
I was a vegetarian in the 1970's and went to my parents for Thanksgiving. I remember my Mom saying "But it is Thanksgiving, won't you be eating any turkey?"
Oh, I had that one. But I went veg on a particular Wednesday in November. My mom will never forgive me for that. But she likes my pumpkin pies. During a chat, an acquaintance asked if I missed pork. I was raised kosher, became veg at 13. Hydrox, not Oreos in my childhood. I've never had Buffalo hot wings. (Well, I have had tempeh versions)
My least favorite: "If you were stuck on an island with nothing to eat except meat, would you eat it?"
didn't I see ''do vegans swallow'' on the sex side this week?....I thought it was a valid but silly question that I still don't know the answer to ''how can you tell if someone is vegan''? 'don't worry they'll fucking tell you''
It was here, in veg. And the answer is in post 12. Eta, found it: Do Vegans Swallow? I'm still wondering why people think bathing is not a veg*n thing. And it wasn't during my dreadlock years.
I Thought It Was Common Knowledge That "Dread Heads" Don't Bathe........ Cheers Glen. * * * * ........ :banhim:
My Brazilian friend asked me the other day if I ate chicken! I'm like wtf, what part of I don't eat meat don't you get?
I point out how in these situations history shows humans will eat other and that if they don't there is probably plants here that could support any animals you hunt. They don't like when the same logic is used on them and I got one to admit "ok I kind of see your point" but it shuts most down saying it's not the same thing. Well in my world it is.
This is literally one of the silly things that I get all of the time. But like, people are serious about it.