Ok, so recently I got into facebook (always last to follow a trend). Nway because of my addiction of "liking" things on there to show appreciation for posts, I know today find myself liking ppl's posts way too much on here. Thankfully this forum won't fuel my odd habit, since there is a limit on how much things you can like. Thank you forum. Guess I need to try and go cold turkey. :mickey::sunny:
At least we have a thumbs down here. I often go back and read my posts and then give them a green thumb. =] I'm a loser like that, nobody else likes my posts =[ I may as well.
@Irminsul I have a compulsive need to like you post also, though the forum thinks ive reached my maximum likes . *Sends very tasty, but healthy cookies instead.* In response to the thumbs down comment, here is wot the self confessed Facebook geek has to say; - I read somewhere a while ago that there is a way to enable the thumbs down function on Facebook. :mickey:
I don't use Facebook anyway but.. there is a limit on thumbs up on this forum? I am shocked, that almost seems preposterous!
I like people's posts on here all the time.... and just today I'm, once again, at my quota on liking posts.
That's understandable Rev, I just treat it like a magazine / news really, like to keep up to date with ppl - music, art, baking and other things that inspire me.
I came here after a couple months on a forum with an extensively used "like" system (there's no reputation or anything, just thanks for threads and likes for posts, no dislikes), so I went a bit nuts with it my first couple days here. As to the other part of your confession... FACEBOOK?!?! HOW DARE YOU!!! (Another thing I picked up there... purple = sarcasm, as I don't care one way or another. It's your life, not mine, spend it as you see fit, just make sure you know what you're doing)
Hmm, your facebook cmt was close to the colour purple, so not clear on ur intentions. Guess natually other ppls human intentions are a hard object to crack. Tho if your words wer pure, my only defence for facebook is tht im strugglin to find a difference frm bein on facebook, n being on here. :mickey:. Open to ppls perspectives on this - luv to challenge my opinions.