The thing I find as I get older is I get to thinking more and more life is indeed too short....And I just think of all the time I've wasted fannying around and not asking those people I would have loved to ask out for a date.....I think its down to shyness and maybe the fear of them saying "You must be joking I'd rather stick my head down the bog".....But I think its time to just start speaking up....Whats the worse that can happen?....You'll only feel like a muppet for a while......Its better than keep waiting at the station when the train done gone.......So how bout it ladies...who fancies a pint and packet of nuts? :beatnik:
Awww.. what a cutie. Read your profile. I'm sure there are oodles of ladies on your side of the pond who would LOVE to spend some time sharing a pint. Besides, muppets are adoreable! Be one! Feel the muppet power! At the end of the day, we usually regret those things we DIDN'T do more than those things we did. Don't you think?
Bless ya..thank you...And yes you are most correct...Its the things we didn't do we look back on and have regrets.....but of course by then its too late...So I think its time to live the moment :drummer: .....Thank you for supporting us Muppets ...And I see you live in a lovely part of the States.....Where the Daredevils come from :guitarist:
This kind of thinking starts when the date of your death is certainly closer than the date of your birth. It is when mortality becomes a very real thing. You start not thinking about what you have done, but what you haven't done. At least McChuffy you are thinking this now, and not when it is too late. Drink the wine.
Damn straight...only way to go....if you get rejected with an honest won't kill will only make you time,. you may not be rejected. I have been talking alot about this lately with a friend of is too short for games.
Yes you are too right Moonglow.....The clock is ticking and you've gotta go for it ....Hope all is well across the big pond for you.
Yes I must confess I have been thinkin a lot bout my age lately ....Time seems to have passed so quickly...and although I won't see 40 again...I still feel and act like a young dude most the time...and you can lose track on how old you actually are.....And I sure will drink the wine
Clock is ticking for everybody....Who knows if tomorrow will ever come...People have died in their 20's and younger.,