Hello all! My name is AJ, I'm in my mid-twenties, and I'm a lifelong learner on the autism spectrum. I am from NV and was raised by a hippie mother who taught my brother and I about the virtues of thrifting, good nutrition, fresh air, and loud, joyful music. I want to learn more about hippie culture--and about you!--from a place of both intellectual curiosity and sincere spiritual seeking. I am at a very strange place in my life, and feel the call to return to my roots in a way. I'm fairly open and enjoy getting to know folks from all walks of life, so feel free to pop by and say hi!
Welcome from Oregon. I finished the second season of LOVE ON THE SPECTRUM last night. Very touching and hopeful stories of some people for whom life is more of a challenge.
Great intro! Hope you enjoy the place... Lots of Hippy information here and on our sister site the HipPlanet. Skip, our webmaster and founder wrote a book called Hippies from A to Z which you can read for free over there at this link: Hippies From A to Z – Hippyland