Life would be easier if...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Moon Goddess, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. Moon Goddess

    Moon Goddess Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Life would be easier if...I understood people better. LOL

    Post how your life would be easier.
    Eric! and ~Zen~ like this.
  2. 6Sailor9

    6Sailor9 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Life would be easier if we would not let the noise of others get in the way due to stigmas they bring into a relationship and we would hold firm to our true self and be open to enjoy and learn with each other ways of affirming that real “you” in one another.
    Eric!, ~Zen~ and Moon Goddess like this.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Life would be easier if we all spent less time watching the news and went outside to play.
    Eric!, Bazz888, themnax and 2 others like this.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    no one hated logic, imagination or universal consideration.

    if building codes were only for multiple occupancy and dense urban development.

    and local public transport were always free to ride (fairs pay such a fraction of operating costs that it probably costs more to deal with them then they bring in),
    and went everywhere all the time, even if minimal ridership, (form factor scaled to actual demand of course, on narrow gauge rails).

    then turn parking lots into gardens with lots of places to sit down and rest to encourage walking.

    and no limits on sharing where you live with other, mostly harmless other life forms, provided you take considerate care of them.

    and all of us could vote directly on issues that interest us, instead of beauty contests for 'representatives'.
    (and people didn't think overthrowing anything was any sort of way to solve this either)

    if no one trusted anything that wished to be feared, but instead recognized that consideration = morality.
    (because every anxiety in life and nearly every unpleasantness begins with the lack of it, whatever any belief, ideology or anything else might claim to the contrary)

    and cities stopped at the end of their density of development leaving lots of places where anyone could pitch a tent or construct a modest shelter far enough from the next
    (of course yes, they would be required to not surround themselves with garbage, nor behave inconsiderately toward each other or anyone else)
    6Sailor9 and ~Zen~ like this.
  5. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Life would be easier (for me at least) if...

    I could finally win me the lottery. :laughing:
    Eric!, Intrepid37 and ~Zen~ like this.
  6. Intrepid37

    Intrepid37 Banned

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    Life would be easier if people stopped finding so much expressed thought to be triggering.
  7. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Life would be easier, If I was young again.
    6Sailor9, Eric! and ~Zen~ like this.
  8. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Life would be easier if we all just got along- got dayumn!!
    themnax and 6Sailor9 like this.
  9. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    --if everyone would send me five bucks!:D
    6Sailor9 and Eric! like this.
  10. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  11. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    ….if I never had to pay for gas again!
  12. Eric!

    Eric! Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    …..if all the drive-in movie theaters came back!

    6Sailor9 and scratcho like this.
  13. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    On second thought---never mind the 5 bucks----Life would have been easier and a hell of a lot more fun if I had met and paired up with a girl like Jessica Jones! She would take NO shit, would drink whiskey like a champ would kick ass with no fear and would fuck me goofy.

    ( i have a daughter like that--except for the last part of course.):)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
    Eric! likes this.
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if no one tried to tell everyone else what to pretend about things no one knew. or ever harassed anyone for not doing so.

    of course if we could create and explore to our heart's content, without needing permission from anyone to do so, as long as we respected reasonable consideration.

    and of course, if we never had to sleep, eat or stay warm.

    (personally i'd still be happier if little trains just big enough to sit on, or in, went everywhere, for free, so no one had to have a car nor roads and parking places,
    and every place that wasn't your own odd little house, you build yourself, or some kind of place that was fun, or necessary, was either forest or garden,
    and you only ever had to deal with anyone else was when you both wanted to and felt up to it)

    (it isn't what "the world" thinks of us, its what kind of a world, we each create/and to the statistic of the kind of world we create together, by not only how we treat each other, but taking into logical consideration everything each of us possibly can, with all of the logic and imagination we are each able to bring to the task of conceptualizing and enabling it. not on the basis of what we ask of each other, but on the basis of the diversity of nature that is reality.)

    if people didn't make the insane assumption that logic began with themselves, instead of understanding, the kind of world we statistically create together, is the world we all have to live in.
    if people could just see and understand that, we could and would, create that kind of a world and be living in it, if our priorities and behaviors were guided by that,
    and even i believe, whatever god or gods there might be, would be happier without all the harassing each other for not pretending to know the same things as each other about them.

    that without consideration being both universal and served by logic, is why there are tyrannies at all, and that neither ideology nor belief nor economic structures, any of them, are what can prevent them, only, ok so maybe there is one only, and that is logic in the service of consideration, that being the normal and the culture, that is the one thing that can prevent them great and small.

    greatness is a delusion and power is a jade. comfort, happiness, even to some degree convenience, all without trying to impress anyone, by anything other then what we learn ourselves how to create, are not only possible, but all the more likely without them.
    6Sailor9, granite45 and scratcho like this.
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Nicely put.:)
  16. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    To the extent that I refrain from demanding that the Universe conform to my wishes and possess the equanimity to accept reality just as it is; neither clinging to my desires nor resisting my aversions, my life is easier.
  17. Intrepid37

    Intrepid37 Banned

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    You do that?
    granite45 likes this.

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