Lies, lies and yet more lies !!!

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by Vladimir Illich, May 1, 2020.

  1. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The scumbag 'nasty party' say they have met their goal of testing 100,000 people for coronavirus in the past two days. However, included in that figure is the number of home-tests sent out for people to test at home and a number of 'satellite' stations that have been sent home-tests. There is no way of knowing, but its exceedingly unlikely that the government have actually achieved their target, so yet again Matt Hancock the 'nasty party's' Health Minister has lied through his teeth !!!

    Questions raised over testing target as Government says it hit 100,000 milestone

    May 1st 2020 1:33PM
    The Government says it has hit its target for 100,000 coronavirus tests per day, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock saying it was an "incredible achievement".

    Speaking at the daily Downing Street press briefing, Mr Hancock said 122,347 tests were performed in the 24 hours up to 9am on Friday, adding that testing would help "unlock" the UK's lockdown.

    But questions have been raised over how the tests have been counted, with changes in the last few days meaning newer home test kits have been counted as they are dispatched.

    The overall total also includes tests dispatched to "satellite testing locations" – such as hospitals that have a particularly urgent need – but does not detail whether the tests have actually been used.

    When he set the target, Mr Hancock said the UK "will carry out" 100,000 tests every day by the end of April.

    The Government's national testing co-ordinator, Professor John Newton, told reporters there had been "no change" to the methodology but said advice had been sought on counting as "new ways of delivering tests" were brought in.

    He said: "There has been no change to the way that tests are counted.

    "As we've developed new ways of delivering tests we've taken advice from officials as to how this should be counted.

    "So, the tests that are within the control of the programme, which is the great majority, are counted when the tests are undertaken in our laboratories.

    "But any test which goes outside the control of the programme, they're counted when they leave the programme, so that is the tests that are mailed out to people at home and the tests which go out in the satellite.

    "So that is the way they are counted, have always been counted, and the way we were advised to count them by officials."

    He said some 27,497 kits sent out to homes were included in the total alongside 12,872 tests delivered to satellite locations.

    Guidance on the Government website appears to have changed on April 28 to include wording saying home tests and satellite tests were being included.

    Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said: "Labour has repeatedly called for more testing, and increasing testing is an important milestone.

    "But many would have expected the 100,000 promise to have been met by actually carrying out testing, not simply because 39,000 kits had been mailed out.

    "The headline figure shouldn't count tests that hadn't been used, or indeed, might never be used as a completed test.

    "Ministers promised transparency – the public and NHS staff deserve clarity."

    Liberal Democrat acting co-leader Sir Ed Davey said: "The Health Secretary's arbitrary target of 100,000 tests by the end of April was always a hostage to fortune, and the truth is, he missed it.

    "It's extremely disappointing the Government have decided to massage the metrics rather than admit they fell short, as this will only undermine public confidence."

    It comes as 27,510 people have now died in hospitals, care homes and the wider community after testing positive for coronavirus in the UK as of 5pm on Thursday, up by 739 on the day before.

    (PA Graphics)
    The death toll rose as:

    – The Prime Minister is not expected to announce any changes to the lockdown measures before Thursday, the deadline to renew restrictions.

    – Ryanair said up to 3,000 jobs could be lost at the airline, while unpaid leave and pay cuts of up to 20% are also proposed.

    _ The head of the Royal College of GPs said half of consultations with patients could move online, while urgent cancer referrals have seen a 62% drop.

    Mr Hancock said the next phase of dealing with Covid-19 – which will include more community testing and contact tracing – will allow the Government "to reassert, as much as is safely possible, the liberty of us all".

    He told reporters: "In recent weeks we've had to impinge on historic liberties to protect our NHS and our loved ones and yet our goal must be freedom.

    "Freedom from the virus, yes, and we will not lift measures until it is safe to do so.

    "But also we care about the restoration of social freedom and economic freedom too – each citizen's right to do as they please."

    But he said that, for now, people must stay at home while the number of cases of coronavirus is driven down further.

    NHS medical director Professor Stephen Powis said officials will be studying whether stricter measures will or will not have to continue to apply to the elderly when the lockdown is eased.

    "The over-70s can be absolutely fit and healthy, it's not the case that everybody over 70 has a chronic health condition or underlying disease," he said.

    "As we look forward... I think it's a perfectly reasonable question to say how would that work in age groups and age bands?

    "Although we do know that complications and unfortunately deaths are more common in the elderly even without complications, I think that's for consideration and that's work that we will need to do as we move forward."

    Mr Hancock said 18,000 contact tracers to track those who have come into contact with an infected person will be in place by mid-May and the numbers will be expanded if necessary.

    Asked whether parents would be fined for not sending their children to school when learning centres are re-opened, Mr Hancock vowed the Government would only allow pupils to return when it was safe to do so.

    He said: "We are not going to re-open schools if it isn't safe.

    "Of course, as and when we re-open schools, our goal is to get back to the norm and the position as it was before.

    "I'm confident, because we'll only do it when it is safe, it will at that point be entirely reasonable and normal again to send your children to school."
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    One question,?

    If nasty Boris and all his nasty friends had given you the opportunity, how would you have met the targets.?
    No doubt you would have solved the problems with the airlines and worked out when to reopen the schools on your way home.

    No doubt tests are going to await use and results, but as long as the kits are delivered and analysis does not create s backlog, the targets are being met.

    PS, The targets are national, so how does testing at satellite stations affect the numbers. Perhaps Boris should line all the people up along Downing street and do the tests himself, while his new wife analysis them all in the kitchen. :yum:
  3. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    (a) Not ignored the scientific advice given to the government last year which indicated a total lacck of unpreparedness for a pandemic, so that last year I would have ordered a lot more PPE as the scientific advisers recommended.

    (b) I would not have ignored the emails from the EU which wanted the uk to join a consortium of countries to order masks, testing equipment and even more PPE.

    (c) From Day one I would have commenced universal testing of everyone showing symptoms of the disease and quarantined them.

    (d) People arriving in the uk from abroad would also need to be tested and quarantined, instead of, as the scumbag 'nasty party' government did, allowed people through immigration untested, notwithstanding some of the flights were from Wuhan and Northern Italy !!!

    (e) As you indicate test targets are 'national' but in order to tell us that the scumbags had achieved their targets, they added in the number of test kits sent to (but unused) the satelllite stations, and test kits sent to (but unused so far) individuals who had requested them !!!
  4. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Unfortunatly, the virus is likely to be spread before symptoms become apparent. In the early stages, this would have required testing every airline passenger and keeping them at the airport until the results were analysed. Unless every one of those passengers were isolated from each other, what do you do next if one result comes back positive.?????

    Regarding testing, yes it is possible that some of the test kits have not been used, but the government are making the promised number available every day, so the target number of people TESTED will be met after a few days. Any testing program will have a slight time lag.

    The harsh reality is that it will take more than a year from now to vaccinate the entire population. In the meantime, all we can do to save lives is to slow the spread of the virus sufficiently to ensure that the NHS is not overwhelmed.

    I believe that things will slow down once herd immunity kicks in. People die early as a result of viral infections every year, nothing is ever going to stop that.

    PS, I understand the reasons for your worries, look after yourself. I would advise you to take 60mg of vitamin C per day unless you doctor has advised against it.
    Also. Avoid use of all antibiotics unless you absolutely need them, that way they will work far better if the worst comes to the worst.
  5. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    But that lying bastard Hancock said he had met his own set standard by the end of the month, that was Thurday, and there is no way in hell he met his own targets on the date he set himself - so yes he IS a lying bastard !!!
  6. you need to listen to Simon & Garfunkel
    Driftrue likes this.
  7. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I told you the lying bastards had not met their own targets - here's the proof !!!

    How has the Government reached 120,000 tests?

    May 1st 2020 2:44PM

    The Government has said it met its target to carry out more than 100,000 tests a day by the end of April.

    Here’s a look at how ministers claim to have done it.

    – What did the Government originally promise?

    On April 2, after several days of intense scrutiny over failures in testing, Health Secretary Matt Hancock set a target of achieving 100,000 daily coronavirus tests in England by the end of April.

    His pledge included antigen tests that tell people whether they currently have Covid-19, as well as antibody tests to see whether people have previously had the infection.

    – What is the Government saying?

    Mr Hancock announced at Friday’s afternoon press conference that the Government had met the target, and heralded it as an “incredible achievement”.

    He said 122,347 tests were performed in the 24 hours up to 9am on Friday, adding that testing would help “unlock” the UK’s lockdown.

    Daily coronavirus tests in the UK (PA Graphics)
    – How did the Government reach the total?

    Of the 122,347 tests performed, 27,497 were home kits delivered, according to the Government’s testing tsar Professor John Newton.

    He said a further 12,872 tests were delivered through the Government’s satellite process – where test kits are delivered to centres such as hospitals and NHS sites.

    The remainder were carried out in laboratories.

    – Has the Government moved the goalposts?

    Questions have been raised over how the tests have been counted, with changes in the last few days meaning newer home test kits have been counted as they are dispatched.

    The overall total also includes tests dispatched to “satellite testing locations” – such as hospitals that have a particularly urgent need – but does not detail whether the tests have actually been used.

    It means the number of tests known to have been carried out in the last 24 hours, as opposed to delivered, is 81,978.

    Guidance on the Government website appears to have changed on April 28 to include wording saying home tests and satellite tests were being included.

    Prof Newton told reporters there had been “no change” to the methodology but said advice had been sought on counting as “new ways of delivering tests” were brought in.

    – What does Labour think of it?

    Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said: “Labour has repeatedly called for more testing, and increasing testing is an important milestone.

    “But many would have expected the 100,000 promise to have been met by actually carrying out testing, not simply because 39,000 kits had been mailed out.

    “The headline figure shouldn’t count tests that hadn’t been used, or indeed, might never be used as a completed test. Ministers promised transparency – the public and NHS staff deserve clarity.”

    We’ve wanted to see more testing. But a big figure is not a strategy. We need fundamentals of infectious disease control in place – finding cases, contact tracing and isolation.

    And ministers should have been honest. Promise was UK would *carry out* tests not just post them out. GOV.UK on Twitter

    — Jonathan Ashworth (@JonAshworth) May 1, 2020

    – How quickly did the testing ramp up?

    When the Government set the target, only around 10,000 tests were being carried out each day.

    The number rose very steadily, reaching around 20,000 by April 17, and only rising above 40,000 on April 28.

    Mr Hancock remained confident that the target would be met. Some 80,000 were carried out on April 29 – but it jumped by 40,000 in the final 24 hours to just over 120,000.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    What are you whinging about?

    So it's 95,000 instead of 100,000

    That's in a single day

    Fairly impressive
    wilsjane likes this.
  9. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I would hate to be a person who had arranged to deliver his washing machine in the morning and the delivery arrived at 12.02.
    He would probably spend an hour on the phone calling me a 'lying bastard', rather than washing his undies.
  10. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The Government promised, PROMISED !!! that they would deliver 100,000 tests by the end of the month, they failed to do so, but then Hancock said he had achieved that target - HE LIED !!! - A typical scumbag 'nasty party' member !!!
  11. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Can you tell me of any other government in the world who has never delivered on a promise 24 late.

    In 1917, the communists promised the people a say in how the country was run and they are still waiting.
    Driftrue likes this.
  12. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The problem is that regional health trusts order all equipment, NOT the government. They have no central procurement facilities.

    Here is the REAL answer to a lot of your points.

  13. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well you haven't specified, but I presume you mean the Russian Government - so since you seem to be so knowledgeable, you tell me how or why they do not have a say and a vote in their government ???
    stormountainman likes this.
  14. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I have heard of the Duma, the upper and lower house, and the polit-bureau. But then again, my opinion does not matter as I am not white.
  15. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    In America there were promises made in 1789 and the people are still waiting.
    wilsjane likes this.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I doubt it. They're probably dead.
  17. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    There were promises made to the Indian tribes and the Indians have been waiting all these years. Irmin Sulaiman needs to bone up on some history chapters now.
  18. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Applying tan coloured sunscreen lotion doesn't count as non white
  19. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    48 hours AFTER this scumbag 'nasty party' government said they had met the target they had set and they STILL haven't achieved it !!!

    Number Of Daily Coronavirus Tests Falls Below 100,000, 48 Hours After Gov Announced It Hit Target

    The latest figures also reveal that north west England now has more people in hospital with coronavirus than London.
    Get the latest on coronavirus. Sign up to the Daily Brief for news, explainers, how-tos, opinion and more.

    The number of daily coronavirus tests completed in the UK has fallen below April’s target of 100,000, with just 76,496 tests completed on Saturday.

    The number is a significant drop from figures reported on Saturday, and more than 40,000 lower than those announced by health secretary Matt Hancock on Friday.

    The validity of Friday’s figures was questioned after the HSJ reported that the government had changed how it counted the numbers as it moved to ensure the health secretary’s pledge was kept.

    The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) is said to have started including in its figures tests which were delivered to people’s homes but had yet to be returned to laboratories with a sample.

    Justin Madders, Labour’s shadow health minister, said Hancock must “urgently clarify” the process.

    “We want the government’s test, isolate and trace strategy to succeed and welcomed expanding who was eligible to get a test, but counting a test put in the post is not the same as a conducted test and getting results,” he said.

    At Sunday’s No.10 press briefing, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove, said more than 200,000 key workers and their families had been tested for coronavirus.

    He said criteria for testing had been extended beyond key workers to anyone over 65 displaying symptoms and anyone who has to travel to get to work.

    Gove said that this week the Government will be piloting new “test, track and trace procedures” on the Isle of Wight, with a view to having them in place more widely later this month.

    The latest figures also revealed the north west of England now has more people in hospital with coronavirus than London, the first time the capital has not had the most cases in the UK.

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