Libertine Tracts

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by Libertine, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Here's a good one...
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    *tsk tsk*
  3. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    Duh... soul left the body morons...
  4. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    The spirit too.
    But the dumb flesh was left behind. ;)
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    What is the "soul" and "spirit", morons....

    Tell me. I want the REAL definitions from the original texts...
  6. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    Anyway, don't look it up in any old text, look it up in the fucking dictionary.

    Soul : complete being (that's you, or me, or ryu- we are each an individual complete being)

    Spirit : What moves everything (God's spirit), some rudimentary blind religions see spirit(s) as individual beings that act upon matter but are independant of matter

    Anywho, there are a shitload of definitions, but only the ones that accurately describe reality are correct. Well, anyway, have fun with God...
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    I want the etymological definitions from your ancient scribes. All these variations of "interpretations" and "translations" lose the original meaning.

    I know what they are, do you?
  8. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    OK. Old Testament, New Testament, or both?
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Now, you're getting it...BOTH.
  10. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    Ok moron. Sorry you don't approve of correct usage of words.. lets see what you are after:
    I personally do not have ancient scribes. God does.
    Hmm, you might know what they are. I am interested in the etymological roots of the words. I know spiritus means breath in latin. I do not know the deep roots of soul (germanic?), but it was not used until about 900 A.D. Some think it means "coming from or belonging to the sea" because the soul stopped in the sea between life and death. Whatever though.

    The important thing is the current usage of the word. I mean, if we are
    having a conversation about soul, and you think I am talking about something that comes from the sea (per ancient usage) instead of the complete individual being (you know, current modern usage?) you aren't going to understand the conversation, are you?
  11. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    No, the current usage of the word is not the important thing, because it mutated into the current definition from PROPAGANDA.

    You want to disregard what the WRITERS ACTUALLY MEANT and apply the "current meaning" to it.

    Excuse me, but that is BULLSHIT.

    You're grasping at straws, now, man.
  12. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    I won't be able to give you a Word-by-word discription, only scriptures hinting to what it is.
    I, and most Christians would agree with me, is that Spirit is the Connection to God, Soul the way you perceive the world, and Flesh the way you contact the world.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    That's an interesting take, but not quite what I had in mind.

    But, I was thinking more of the scriptural basis on the ancient terms.

    The Biblical basis on those words.

    And how can the "way you perceive the world" leave the body?!? Perceptions come from your mind.
  14. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    The words are used as they are intended to be used at the time they are used.

    You have to use the definition that is intended to be used or you will not understand the text. The word "soul" in the modern english bible means "complete being" (in most cases).

    In the modern english bible the word spirit refers to God's active motivating principles (in some cases) (such as the spirit of courage entered the man) or literally the spirit (essence) of God (the spirit of God settled upon the man). Anyway, 'spirit' is used in several different ways in the bible. You have to look at the context of the verse you are reading to understand which meaning is intended to be used.

    Seriously, you would have shitloads of trouble with Japanese, where the exact same word means many different things depending on what words are used with it.
    So, you are talking about shit that has come from a bull? Or do you mean the modern usage of the word bullshit?

    You confuse me man, do you use the modern definitions of words or do you use ancient definitions that nobody else uses?
    Haha, you admitted it publically!
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    The literal, etymological term for spirit comes from the root terms (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) to mean, "breath", "air". The ancients worshipped many gods and formed from Sun worship that meaning the "gods" or "god" was in the sky (thus, heaven, air, etc.) and the Biblical text show clearly that the "ruach", the "spiritus" is nothing more than a force that has been shown as energy (nothing supernatural about it) and it has nothing to do with prayer, rituals and netherworlds.

    Who wrote the damn Bible? Ancients or moderns? hello?
  16. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    What I meant was that the soul's your mind, will, and emotions. I simplified it to 'the way you perceive the world'.

    Btw,synonyms for hebrew spirit and soul:
    pneuma (pnyoo'-mah); a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit:

    nephesh (neh'-fesh); properly, a breathing creature, i.e. animal of (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental):
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Your will and emotions come from your mind.

    Ryu, the answer to your question lies in the etymological root of "soul" which is psuche, which is where you get our term "psyche"--in the mind.

    The stimulation of neurons in the brain houses these emotions, thoughts, memories, and such and the deterioration of the brain through psychosis eliminates many of these, but the death of the brain eliminates them completely.

    There is no evidence to suppose otherwise.
  18. FeelinGroovy

    FeelinGroovy opposable thumb

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    Uh, I actually don't get your original post. I don't really see any (deep) meaning behind it. At least nothing worth contemplating. It is just what some anti-Christian came up with to try to make fun of something they don't understand.

    It is pretty obvious that there are many people who don't get Christianity and so get kicks out of making fun of it.

    No need to justify or defend the precise symbolism or deep meaning behing a cartoon when the general point of it is just obviously mocking Christianity. Heck, we see all sorts of that kind of thing everywhere.

    It sure does make us Christians angry doesn't it. Grrr :$
  19. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    good post.
    but, how did your mind 'evolve'?

    And how do dreams work, which are of the soul?
    Yes, an atheist will say that that's the place where your brain 'dumps' all its useless information out, Gigo, but how does it do that?
  20. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    That's right which relate back to what I said, because they come from the root of the etymological term for "breath".

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