Libertine - Guru of Hedonopia

Discussion in 'Gurus' started by Libertine, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Blowing minds one trip at a time....

    I am Libertine, Guru of Hedonopia, opening the door to mind expansion through three basic methods handed down by the sages of wisdom from Socrates to Timothy Leary:

    THINK FOR YOURSELF. - You must know yourself, examine yourself, open the book to yourself and find yourself.

    QUESTION AUTHORITY. - Respect what is respectful. Do not respect a title or those which wear the badge of authority that are disrespectful to you.

    CHALLENGE ASSUMPTIONS. - Search for yourself, take no one's word, no holy writ as evidence, without examining the world--the questions for yourself.

    It is my job to corrupt you with the idea of individual sovereignty, freedom of your mind and body, and respect for the freedom and autonomy of others.

    8-19-05 ©LibertineGuru
  2. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    So, it's not just the Christianity boards where you manifest. :rolleyes:
  3. Bhaskar

    Bhaskar Members

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    What you say is not different from Hinduism. You must think, question and challenge. But at some point, when you find truth, you must have the magnanimity to also accept. As for respect, yes, we must respect all that is worthy of respect and all things are intrinisically worthy of respect. We may detest certain qualities: arrogance, intolerance, selfishness, etc., but the essential life principle manifest in all is worthy of respect.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    I've found many truths and have accepted them. And many I've not found, and reserved judgment on them.

    I respect life and liberty of everyone, but I do not respect all things--such as all ideas, concepts or actions. I detest certain qualities as well: intolerance, stupidity (failing to accept reason), self-sacrifice (if other ways are available which will benefit all parties).
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Agree about those 3 big points there.
    And yes,It was with ideas identical with these that I became corrupted some years ago.
    Just to add one more - 'respect the earth and take only what you need'.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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  7. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    THe great and powerful libertine has left out 2 more rules out of the great 5 commandments of Hedonopia!- Constantly struggle, never find peace, do not make your life simple, just think about why you exist but do not accept the supreme being. :rolleyes:

    and ... - never say Jesus/ or even that you follow a certain religion.
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Unfortunately, struggling is a part of getting things done. Peace will never come until we all drop such things as nationalism and religious dogma, life is both simple and complex, and never assume there is any "Supreme Being" without reason...we are all "supreme".
  9. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Even if you do accept a supreme being, there's still struggle.
    As for making life simple - that's something I like the idea of, no point in just expanding complexity for the sake of it - but the fact is life today is pretty complex. The problems the human race faces are complex. Simplicity is never to be confused with dumbness or bland acceptance or fatalism.

    As to folowing a set religion - folks have been doing just that for millenia, and it's landed us in a fine mess. If someone feels some inner spiritual experience, great, but really, religion as it is isn't going to solve our problems. It failed when our problems were considerably less complex and threatening than they are to-day, and it is clearly incapable in it's present forms of adressing the real issues that are important now.
    This is a new age and we need new age solutions -
    A new vision of what the 'supreme being' might be would seem to be part of that.
  10. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    Saying that we are supreme is very dangerous, let me ask you something- do you think that you can find the truth using logic?
  11. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    we do not need new solutions, nor do we have new problems- the people in the past were always after power, were always trying to end bodily discomforts, they were always trying to meet their basic needs- food, shelter, brain stimulation. What we need to do is try to follow the old solutions correctly with the right understanding, then we will solve our problems. what we need is victory over ourselves- our emotions, our desires, our ambitions and focus on the task of helping the society grow to new heights. We need to find meaning in work with compassion.
  12. Bhaskar

    Bhaskar Members

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    Beautifully put Jedi.
  13. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    If these old solutions worked, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.
  14. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    But actually, I think people need to find things such as food and shelter. Nothing wrong in that.

    And to say there are no new problems is somewhat strange - do you imagine that issues like genetic engineering, global overpopulation, fundamentalist suicide bombers, ecological meltdown ect were there in previous ages?
  15. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Supreme is a mindset. When I refer to it, I only refer to our power to overcome our dependencies and addictions (not just drugs as this word is synonymous with now).

    I do not seek "the truth", but truths. The freedom to seek these truths comes from the freeing of the mind from preconceived notions we have been handed down through social conditioning (which includes religion).

    As for me, I do not attempt to objectify that which is subjective.
  16. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    no, but many of the problems roots are the same basic feelings of senseless ambitions and delusions.
  17. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    could it be that you do not know if there is "the truth" or "truths" or maybe what you call the truths can be added to a simple truth.

    Anyway, thats an entirely different matter, but if you seek the "truths" do you seek them through the use of your mind? in other words through logic?

    Oh by the way, why does one need to be the supreme to gain any control over oneself? Can't I just be myself , surrender to God and have some control over what I say to you right now?
  18. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    :D thanks for the encouragement baskar :)
  19. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Had you rather me use my ass? Your brain is God, man. You are your own god or gods (if you have a split personality). Logic doesn't answer all things, it is only a method. I do not discount emotions, as they are a make-up of humanity as well.

    Gain control of your dependencies and addictions. Then you can be yourself all you want.

    As far as any "God" is concerned, that is a subjective matter altogether.
  20. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Again I disagree - many of to-day's most urgent problems have their roots in science. In past ages, science as we know it didn't exist. OK- you can say that science has been deployed along lines based on people's ambitions etc, but in general, the intention has been good. Medical research for example. Trouble is, as more people live longer the global population expands to an unmanagable level.
    Same with many other technologies.
    The forces of cultural conservatism, which are often part and parcel of trad. religion can't help solve the problems - partly because many of the adherents of such views are really ignorant of the nature of the problems and their possible solutions. Some just blandly say not to worry, because God will sort everything out.
    It seems that humanist values are as good as those of the religious, if not often superior, because not tied to archaic belief systems.
    Look at the catholic church for example - much raving about gays, women etc, never a word about climate change, global warming etc. Perhaps they're in the pocket of big business.

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