I am subscribed to a Libertarian newsletter in my email box. I don't consider myself libertarian per se (I am a liberal and civil libertarian, if you must know). But I enjoy occasionally hearing a different point of view. Anyways, recently I got info in this newsletter that surprised me. I don't have a cite, naturally. But they said there actually is a (small?/big?) libertarian movement in Europe. Why on earth would they be attracted to libertarianism in Europe? Forgive me if this is the wrong place to say this. But in Europe, they have an expansive social safety net. I could be wrong. But I think just about everything there is free, subsidized by the government. And they still have an extensive program of civil liberties too (in most places there, I think). With ideas like that of the American Libertarian party, they'd have to give up all this free stuff. And again, forgive me for saying, but they'd then have corporations running amok. I hate to say it. But it's true, you know. Why would ANYONE in Europe be attracted to American-style libertarianism? (Again, forgive me if you're a libertarian and reading this. Actually, in my heart of hearts, I do in a way feel a strong kinship to libertarians and their ideals. It's just I've been a liberal all my life, and don't want to change. Sorry.) Well?
LOL. Being a euro-Libertarian is oxy-moronic. LOL. Kinda like vacation Bible school. Military Intelligence. Yeah, an obvious disconnect. Much like the brain drain that the US will soon experience ; Germany for example , lost most of their Liberty minded folk when hitler "cleansed" the nation of his "enemies". England , of course , lost their Freedom loving populace to the Colonies. Clearly , some intellectually honest and morally astute euros seem to present but not prevalent. It is difficult to find a free market in europe. Prhaps Monaco or Suisse? I don't know. Given the current regime , here in US ; it is difficult to find free market economics in practisce ; hence , our future brain drain. Please allow me to suggest The Humble Libertarian . com ; this site is a compilation of the top 100 Libertarian Sites. Don't Tread On Me!!!!! Live Free or Die!!!!!!
RIP Thank you once again for another hilarious post Oh man really LOL – do you actually think that a liking ‘liberty’ is an inheritable trait, I mean really you can’t be that badly informed can you? There has never been and there can never be a ‘free market’ [FONT="] Free market = plutocratic tyranny[/FONT] http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=353336&f=36 Yes you clearly don’t know a lot and the really sorry thing is that you don’t seem to want to find out either.
Jim There are many differing shades of ‘libertarianism’ from hard left to hard right. And there are many groups around the world that can come under the description of ‘libertarian’ depending on context and views. That is why I always try to differentiate; on this site we have a few ‘right wing libertarians’ but that does not mean they all have the same views on everything. Why not? Over the years people have been attracted to a lot of differing political and religious beliefs. Not everywhere and they are many differing types with differing degrees service and benefits. Virtually all benefit systems are based on some type of contribution (taxes, national insurance schemes etc). And on the whole these are open only to citizens (with the idea of ‘benefits tourism’ being something of a myth). You would need to define what you mean by ‘civil liberties’ there are those that categorise ‘liberty’ leaning toward the economic and the social. We have right wing politicians that would love to dismantle social programmes and benefit systems. And we have large corporations with lots of power and influence. Why would any American be attracted to right wing libertarianism, is the question? Even the ones that come here promoting it seem totally incapable of defending it from criticism. WHY?
No, the question remains ; why do euros still have control issues? There currently is not a safety "net" in europe it is a hammock ; thus PIGS.
RIP LOL oh you poor thing still so clueless. I’ll ask again are you capable of putting up a reasoned argument or is it totally beyond you?
IMHO . Just the fact that a "gentleman" would become a "moderator" on a "free speech" web site would , to me , indicate a controlling , "euro" style personality. Yes, both colonial europe , nazi germany and many other euro states wish to "moderate" the speech ,views and opines of others. Auchtung baby. Therefore , any LIBERTY based philosophy could not fly with the sheeple of the euro continent.
Probably for the same reasons that draw many Americans to libertarian-ism; they think government should be small and, largely, out of citizen's lives.
I agree , Sig , but it becomes obvious that euro's and LIBERTY are just like oil and water. One clerly gets the impression that they clearly are unable to grasp a live and let live philosophy.
That isn't obvious at all, and certainly goes against many historic political trends on the continent. Just like not all Americans are liberals, conservatives, and so on, so too are Europeans not all socialists, monarchists, supporters of big government and so on.
So to the question of you being capable of putting up a reasoned argument is that you find it totally impossible… roll up roll up…here we have ladies and gentlemen the American right in a nutshell.
What do you know about our "right". You are not an American citizen. What is it that makes you an authority on the politics that myself and millions of like minded individuals subscribe to. Live and let live , sir. If you wish to be taxed by your monarchy ; fine. We broke away from your dictatorships more than 200 yrs ago. Why should we regress?
Sig Are you still too frightened to debate? Anyway the problems as you know with the ‘small government’ agreement - which has been gone through at length is that – The whole ‘small government’ argument is a smokescreen, and once the smoke has been cleared it quickly become obvious that what its trying to hide is the same old right wing political agenda which is about preserving or increasing the power of those with advantage at the expense of everyone else. Question About Operation of Small Government http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=361461&highlight=smoke&page=5