Libertarian critiques of New Atheism?

Discussion in 'Libertarian' started by Cherea, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Cherea

    Cherea Senior Member

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    I chose to post this thread here rather than in the Atheism subforum for a reason: usually, the leftist critique of New Atheism hinges on what I consider to be unfounded notions of Islamophobia and political correctness. New Atheism "disrespects" religion, etc.

    I believe in neither. I believe in freedom of thought/association/expression for both sides. Which means, just because you may believe in God, that doesn't mean I may not express how silly it is to do so. You may be offended, and you may protest, but you may not shut me up just like I may not stop you from worshiping.

    Likewise, just because you may be 'entitled to your opinion', does not mean that opinion is exempt of criticism or even ridicule. Or, that your opinion is going to hold the same weight with me, than opinions which I consider more founded in fact.


    The kind of critique of New Atheism I'm looking for, usually comes from right libertarian atheists, and it goes as follows:

    a) freedom of conscience/association/expression > officially atheist state

    b) New Atheism should get off its moral high horse in affirming that religion is the root of all evil; (in fact, it apes Judeo-Christian manicheism when it does so) that "ideas have consequences", etc. etc. Atheism is an intellectual position (or lack thereof), therefore not an action, therefore neither more moral nor immoral than the religious intellectual position. Just like a religious zealot can kill, rape, and plunder in the name of his religious superiority, atheists can do likewise if indeed they consider religion the root of all evil. Why wouldn't they? As usual, leftists have trouble distinguishing between actions and thoughts.

    c) New Atheism conflates itself with Dem party leftist politics. In point of fact, it deifies the state and science. In fact, it distorts science when it posits it as its new deity. It claims science to be "true", when real science only timidly disproves given the available evidence.

    If you have any articles or vids that address the topics above, I'd be grateful. Thanks.
  2. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    You make some good points on New Atheism. I am currently reading, Objectivism, The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, by Leonard Peikoff, which provides her position on such things I think (Though I am a Leftist, and not an atheist---rather I call myself spiritual not religious.) Yes, New Atheism is certainly reactionary, like many Leftists, and Christians, ...and Rightists, and so forth...

    I am all for freedom of thought/association/expression, and the ridicule may seem cruel, but it plays a very important role in breaking down barriers, liberating one's thinking, helping engender multiplicity, and allowing us to look at ourselves in a different light. I think that Archie Bunker, for example, did far more to eliminate prejudice than forced integration and other such policies. Humor is still helping us deal with racism as the more blatant forms have largely given way to the more hidden versions buried within the collective unconscious.

    Anyway---good post.

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