Liberals posing as freedom fighters.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by StpLSD25, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    I agree with both of these statements.

    I don't believe that you really have a grasp of my beliefs and values, but I'd also like to point out that freedom is a subjective term that has a different meaning for everyone.

    Out of curiosity, do you eat animals or animal products?

    This makes it pretty clear to me that you don't really understand what liberal means.
  2. odonII

    odonII O

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    It would be 'fun' if we all could post the answers we gave, but it would be too much effort to. I think it's fair to say all of us 'swing' in various different directions and to different degrees...
    It might not be spot on - but it does show none of us - even those 'on the left' - are exactly the same.
    Perhaps some people do answer questions for you, and think they know your response to everything.
    Do you want to be one of those people?[/QUOTE]

    Oh right, you do.

    Well, that's convenient, isn't it. The whole point was to show we all are not the same (people - not 'liberals') - but you just ignore that. Black and white.


    He doesn't want to.
  3. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    From what I learned about Libertarianism, from people using the title, including at the Colorado state libertarian convention, was that the basic idea was preserving the private sphere, while getting that basics of government accomplished. They differed on what the basics of government are, but to a (usually)man, they held that drug use, sexual preference and even abortion fell into the private sphere.

    What bemuses me about your postings is that you seem to be a conservative wrapping a libertarian banner around you.
    Why should you have the right to take LSD, but I should not have the right to take Plan B?

    As for your next three questions, these are often defended by the Americans for Civil Liberties Union, even when the speech is abhorrent.
    Last year ACLU of Eastern Missouri sued Cape Girardeau on behalf of a Klan group than planned to put flyers on cars.
    The racists claimed that disallowing flyers was impacting free speech rights.

    I'm not sure how that suit progressed, but typically, if the law was passed to stop them based on the content of the flyers, and not flyers in general (which can be a litter issue), they have a good chance.

    This equates to free speech zones where protestors are taken far from the public and media eye at an event.

    An issue that ACLU has taken up is the rights of pregnant workers to keep their jobs.
    Since you personally want to see all pregnancies end in birth, is allowing pregnant women to keep their jobs, and health benefits, something you support?

    As an on again/off again card carrying ACLU member (I'm fourth estate, after all), I may disagree with the content of some of the cases and causes, but the basic point is the EXPRESSING civil rights and liberties.

    But I'm betting few KKK members are supporting ACLU. ;)
  4. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'm just a couple gradients closer to collectivism and libertarianism than you, this time. I've found my results bounce through that quadrant.
    I had fewer "strongly" answers.
    Lots of grey areas.

    My mom saw one and said, so, you are more radical than Ghandi?

    I cringed.
  5. odonII

    odonII O

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    It's the first time I've been that far out of centre (left or right). Perhaps I've been talking to StpLSD25 for too bloomin' long. I had approx 10 'strongly' responses - which I thought was my average. It's not too far off centre for me to be concerned. I'm just thankful not to be in the red or blue.
  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Really, though that is centrist, odon. Imagine a section in grey/neutral running a third of the way into all quadrants, starting at the x and y axis crossing.
  7. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    For giggles I took it again. Got pretty much the exact same result as last time:

  8. odonII

    odonII O

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    Yeah, that is what I was thinking, too. That's why I wasn't too concerned.
  9. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    It always concerns me. Keeps you awake at night worried about climate change. I know, it made no propriety for the fear of liberalism determining one's Religious Identity.

    Come on, Aussie's, tell us any freedom fighting concepts for soldiers to adhere to.:party:
  10. odonII

    odonII O

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    Ok, I think this might be unfair. I think the point is, StpLSD25, has taken what HE thinks and placed what HE thinks on the rest of society. So, with regards to abortion - because HE is apposed to it, he thinks that it is right to think that should be the case for ALL. Rather than thinking it is a personal choice, and, for the most part, nothing to do with him. There might be too many questions where it is personal choice over what every body else should be doing/thinking. IF StpLSD25 took into account the thoughts of others and wasn't so StpLSD25centric, I believe he would be close to my way of thinking ;)
    Seriosly, too many of the questions were selfish rather than thinking about what others are 'allowed' to think. The abortion question being one of them.
  11. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    My point is if the "party line" and libertarianism is a party, with a party line, says the government is out of your bed and body, one who adheres cannot champion restricting the freedoms of other people because they don't personally agree.
    It's like me saying no one can ever have meat because I personally don't eat it.
    I control what is in my fridge, not the neighbors'.

    A bit more clear?
  12. odonII

    odonII O

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    Erm, not really : /
  13. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    I think druminmama is trying to say that libertarians are traditionally considered for personal freedoms, and while they may not like certain things (abortion, for example) they do not believe government should restrict people from doing them. To put it even more simply: as long as someone isn't infringing on the rights of others, let them be, regardless of whether their actions are distasteful to you or society at large.

    I further believe she is doing this to establish that Stp is a hypocrite then it comes to being pro-life. In doing so I believe she missed Stp's point entirely.
  14. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    Ron Paul is against abortion because his job is to bring Babies into this world safely.

    He is one man.

    Generally, the Libertarian platform is pro-choice, as others have pointed out. And this is regardless of how they personally feel about abortion.

    I, like most libertarians I know, are personally against abortion but politically pro-choice. It is not the governments job to enforce morality.

    Also, drumminmama mistook stps statement about plan b, he said nothing against it
  15. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    I once heard a self described libertarian describe his pro-life stance, and his disagreement with abortions being legal. In his mind life in the womb is human life and, therefore, that life should be protected by our Constitution. Abortion, outside medical necessity, infringes on that life's right to, well, life.
  16. odonII

    odonII O

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    I agree. It's not just on that point, though, imho. I believe he has his own personal beliefs. Separate and distinct. Like we all do. E.g: abortion: I, personally, thought, because it was talking about all rather than what I would do (or my personal feelings) - I thought, well, it's 'freedom of choice'. He seems to think because HE disapproves, nobody else gets the chance to have their own opinion. So, many of the questions seem to be skewed towards the personal opinion rather than accepting others have the right to their own opinion.
    If he gave the same freedom of choice to others that he allows himself - then I reckon he would be either closer to me or to you. Probably me.
  17. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    Yeah, probably you, you dirty left-wing limey. ;)
  18. odonII

    odonII O

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    :D shut ya face, you... :D

    Well he'll only have to swing a little to the left rather than, erm, to the right and up and across...! o_O
  19. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I used to agree with this......when I was a republican. Then I started getting into Libertarianism and put forth an effort to understand where other people are coming from. The problem I found is that the point in which an unborn child becomes a full fledged human, deserving of individual rights, is a matter of opinion. Realizing this, I came to the conclusion that late term abortions (when the fetus becomes viable outside of the womb) should be illegal across the board, but states should have he right to restrict further, all the way to a complete ban.

    I think that falls in pretty close to the Libertarian Party lines. But with that being said, one could still be Libertarian but pro life. You don't always have to stick wth your parties platform on every subject.
  20. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yeah, well, I was gonna comment and then read this post and it expresses pretty much exactly what I was going to say. I'm personally pro-choice .... not for myself, I know I wouldn't do it and wouldn't be able to live with MYSELF if I did. But I am not here to judge anyone else's situation and I think that would be quite scary if people started doing that as situations are different (obviously)...

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