Lets Write A Story Togather

Discussion in 'Games and Contests' started by aali_baba, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    hi .

    here we will write a story . every one who will come add a line in it and next will continue it .

    so i start you just copy the part of my story and continue it

    It was all dark and abut 2am street lights were off due to last day heave rain and storm it was all dark out side accept head light lights and highway in front of his eyes
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i didn't want the highway to be there. i could see better without lights blinding me. even under an overcast sky, with slow lazy drops still falling, like water balloons or liquid planets.
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  3. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    The steady beating of the windshield wipers were sedating and I started nodding off at the wheel. I contemplated pulling off the road for a quick nap, but reconsidered. One thing I didn't need was an overeager flatfoot snooping around in the trunk. Maybe I'd find a cheap motel off the beaten track. I could really use a shower.
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  4. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    As the miles rolled on I passed from consciousness into semi-consciousness until I spotted a sign on the side of the road which read Bates Motel two miles just off route 20.

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  5. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    I've been tp the Bates Motel before, wretched place full of pornographer and part-time hustlers who could not tell a cockroach apart from a man. I decided to drive on. It was better to risk it all than to stay at the goddamn Bates.
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  6. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I drove a mile further up the road when to my consternation, my check engine light suddenly lit-up.

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  7. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    I chose to ignore it. This was not a time for such tomfoolery. I had to continue on and on, into the unknown, until either I succumed to exhaustion, or it succumed to my will.
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  8. Big mistake. Suddenly my engine blew up. The front end of my car was consumed with fire. I screamed out, "Jesus, please help me!"
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  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    But he didn't....

    The end.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    these things go nowhere on here. they tend to get trolled very quickly. and of course there's the matter of not all of us seeing even the world we do live in the same way.
    all endings are new beginnings of course. obsession with cars and highways, it was a mercy killing.

    no divine intervention. none obvious anyway. no rain and no highway. no cars. just lying in the middle of a big grass field. no trees or anything else near me besides the grass and the bugs. only the bugs avoided me, and the ones i could see didn't look familiar either. off in the distance there were what could only be people, but they sure didn't look like anything i'd ever thought of people looking. no two of them looked anything like each other. (not even as much as if they were of the same species or from the same world as each other).

    how could i tell they were people? the seemed to be conversing with each other and making something. a fire pit or a house or something. i'd have to get up to be able to see what.
    i wasn't in any real hurry to announce my presence by doing so. not unless i could get some better idea where i was first.
    i couldn't clearly hear what they were saying either, and from what stray words, if they were words, that my hearing was able to detect, they seemed to be talking in a language i'd never heard.
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  11. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    As I pondered my options, I drifted off into oblivion. Nature calling woke me with urgency and I ran to the nearest tree. Twilight had fallen and I shivered in the cold. I could see a fire burning in the distance and a savoury aroma wafted in the air. I realized I was famished. How long had I slept? Hoping to share the warmth and sustenance, I dropped down and surreptitiously crawled through the tall grass making my way towards the odd looking people. I listened, trying to decipher their language. "Stop hogging the dogs, Gus, pass them over!" They sounded completely normal. Man, I had to stop drinking so much. Had it all been a dream? Through the blades of grass, I could see the backs of three figures, two big and burly, one short and scrawny. The trio huddled around an inviting fire burning in the pit, bickering over the last of their feast. They seemed harmless enough. I stood and approached them.
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  12. Lucy Goosey

    Lucy Goosey Member

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    I guess they weren't harmless after all!
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  13. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    They were cave trolls...
  14. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    i have only listen from my grand ma abut cave trolls and yes in some story books for a few secounds i went back into my childhood and then back open my eyes more and try to confirm are they in real or just an illusion and i finally recognize that they are basically just shades of mountain and which were making them cave trolls still i was double minded and i start to walk closer to them to confirm i felt a cold wave in my back bone as i started to to walk to them.

  15. riverman18

    riverman18 solid gold brass

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    a blue mist rose from the ground around my feet, and soon enveloped me like an uncomfortable hug from a stranger. And the smell - I knew that smell. But how did I know it? Had I been here before?
  16. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    i was sure that i know this smell but i am still unable to determine where i smell it before and why this smell feels to me known . i was in these thoughts and a big scream break my all thoughts the voice was of a female for sure and as much as i get it was comming behind from the hill of my left site .... i start to run by forgetting the smell and mist rose .......... even i forget that i was going to check those cave trolls for now in my mind is to reach that sound ........ and as soon as i reach the top of hill i see a girl falling on grass ...... from that distence i can not guess any thing the only thing i can see that its female due to her gypsy dress .
  17. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    But upon catching up with the girl in the gypsy dress, I found out he was a cross dresser who got abandoned by his joking friends. I let him use my cell phone, which wasn't getting good reception where we were, so I ran him to the next gas station to use their phone. I switched clothes with him so he wouldn't be ridiculed. When I got home, my wife was ready to kill me upon seeing my "fancy dress style".
    She's not humored at all, not talking to me and keeps threatening to kick me out of my own house. I don't know what to do at this point, I hope the guy is okay now, because I'm not!!
  18. Perfect Disorder

    Perfect Disorder Paradoxically Spontaneous

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    Then I realized "How did I make it home?" OR another question "When did I get married?"
  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Then I realized....Good!
    Who wants it!
  20. Eavesdrop

    Eavesdrop Member

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    "I want it!", cried Maud, as she began to weep uncontrollably.

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