I tried to open the attachment and this is what I got: Tamee, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. What the hell is up with that? It's bullshit.
That's a really cool piece of art. Does anybody know why I am able to see it when I click on the link but not when I try to look at it as an attached image?
funky design... i'd love to see it in more detail! can you zoom in on parts? i especially like the roots/branches/energy on blue radiating from the center... things like that are what brings art to a sort of spiritual level for me. the issue of not being able to access it as an attachment must be something to do with how vbulletin works... maybe the forums aren't set up to store extra files yet. wonder if there is a setting that can be changed by skip?
greatness....i was priveleged enuff to see it in person don't ya kno! something to tell the grandchildren....that i once knu the great dandini!
Strange thing is, when i paint and draw i amnot thinking about much.. but i have often refured to them as my subconsious thought spread across the page.. part of the map of my mind.... so inturpretation is in the eye of the on looker... as with anything you look at/listen to/touch or taste you decide what its going to be! Thank you!
i dont think that is true.. i am not a member but i can see it. i think you have to post an attached image or picture before you can see other people's. and that is one rad fuckin painting, dandilion!!! i love it!