Lets have sex on a dirty garage floor Next to the oil dump We'll walk home with our shirts on inside out Blotches on our pants Leaves in our hair And a really lousey story About where we've been And we'll think dirty thoughts Each time we pass in the hall And wish that the oil stain Would finally wash off And then there will be a spring morning With willows bending in the breeze And care free birds Gathering sticks and leaves To make a nest For raising the little chickies And you will tell me you finally Got your period While we sit in the grass As papers blow by And squirrels pick At discarded popsicle sticks
i like the leaves in the hair part, i like that to happen to me when i make love in my garage, which i do all the time by the way PEACE and LOVE
Indeed, I hardly go in the house anymore. That turned out to be a really bad pun but I typed already it so what the hell, I say.