Let’s talk about Artificial Intelligence

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by ChinaCatSunflower002, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. ChinaCatSunflower002

    ChinaCatSunflower002 Members

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    Are you hoarding your books yet? You should start. Because once AI completely takes over, once all information is digitized, then it is game over. Anything and everything can become memory-holed. Anything and everything can become deepfaked. Anything and everything can become edited.

    AI is a bigger threat to humanity than Nuclear War.
    ~Zen~ and Toker like this.
  2. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    At this point, I still fear the capacity of humans to drive themselves to extinction without the aid of A.I.
    Eric!, ~Zen~, Piobaire and 1 other person like this.
  3. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Echtwelniet and ~Zen~ like this.
  4. ChinaCatSunflower002

    ChinaCatSunflower002 Members

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    Indeed. I believe David Icke, crazy as he can sound, knew exactly what he was talking about. He’s been referring to a future Technocratic Orwellian Dictatorship for some time. When you add in things like Neuralink and humans chipping their brains with AI, we are all screwed. The best hope is that some humans see the threat ahead of time (like Now), and don’t get sucked in.

    It’s already appalling to me that people rely heavily on ChatGPT. It can be fun and useful at times. I’ve experimented. But it lies, and spits out plenty of false data. The more heavily we rely on this stuff, the less likely people want bother to attempt thinking for themselves, especially each new generation.
    Toker, Eric! and ~Zen~ like this.
  5. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    AI is as intelligent as we want it to be(sigh).............how much room do you give it to learn...

    The more it learns by it self.........the more conscious it gets?

    Add that to a robot............and you have a scifi movie :D

    Toker, ChinaCatSunflower002 and Eric! like this.
  6. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I've been meaning to post about the recreation of a Pink Floyd song from recorded brain waves.

    Scientists Recreated a Pink Floyd Song From Listeners' Brain Waves
    And here it is!

    Echtwelniet likes this.
  7. kinulpture

    kinulpture Member

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    Im not to keen on ai either

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