LESSON: The Energy Method

Discussion in 'Creative Writing' started by lovelyxmalia, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Royaltramp

    Royaltramp Member

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    Time: 5 minutes
    Subject: Psychedelics

    As my eyes close the colour bursts forth, rainbows glisten and shine behind my eyelids, patterns dance around illuminating the darkness that lies in my mind, and with each moment the patterns grow, the rainbows expand, the colours flow out, filling the open spaces. I am bathed in the love that each and every colour carries with it, each second seems like an eternity as I feel them surround me, dipped into a well of beauty I am enveloped entirely, each and every moment a little better than the last.

    Crash, the sound of the drums in the music in the background, crash, the explosion of colour, crash, the orgasmic feeling that travels up my spine, leaving me rolling about in pure unadulterated pleasure. Finally, my eyes open to the expanding room around me, the shades of green and blue illuminate the furniture, the carpet is alive with movement, the ceiling is moving up and down of its own accord, the room is free of all laws and constraints, my own personal space is lit up and illuminated by pure joy and love, eternity is but a moment away. This is why we do this, time and time again.
  2. Opinionated

    Opinionated Member

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    ok...time limit...11 minutes and....go!

    music is such an improtant thing to me. it moves me in ways that not many other kinds of art do. i love the fact that i combines words and rythms and constructed chaos. there are so many types of music too. a song for every mood. i like the ones that lift your mood. even if your already in a great mood, sometimes music makes it even better! there don't seem to be many bands that do that for me now tho. there are a few. but not as many as in the 60s and 80s. those were my favorite times for music. the 2000s are just...bad. i also like some of the 90s grunge stuff but it usually isn't the spirit lifting kind of music.
    my neck hurts. i think its because i'm sleeping on a couch. i come to my dads every summer and i sleep in a different room everytime. and its never my room. he wants me to feel at home here but how can i when i don't have a space to call my own? i usually keep my close in my suitcase but this time i used a smaller bag so there wasn't room. now i've got all my stuff...i mean ALL of it...in 3 drawrs of my little brothers dresser. and i sleep in the living room. its pretty much crap.
    i also really don't like the way my dad is teaching my little brother. he is only 4 and he already objectifies women. i guess i can only hope that i can put a little bit of respect into his life. i don't see why my dad would do that anyway. he didn't think that it might piss off his hippy/feminist daughter that he's teaching her little brother to walk around saying to girls "how YOU doin?" and that taking out the trash is "the man's job"? how does that even make sense? plus they don't take out the trash anyway! i do! and i'm perfectly capeable of doing. and i don't see how a man could think he could take out the trash better than a woman can. that makes no sense either. ugh! men!

    well that was a productive 11 minutes!
  3. Amsler

    Amsler Member

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    Choice and Change.
    Ten minutes.

    Energy is the focus. Energy is everything. Without energy, there is nothing. But the truth remains that energy is all there is. There is no not-energy. It is the only thing that is not. It is the only thing that does not exist. Energy may be choice. Choice is the only thing that can exist. There is no not-choice. You may choose to do nothing, but that in itself is a choice. It is a cycle. Choosing. No matter what, there will always be energy. There will always be a choice. The choice to use your energy is the only one you have. Yu may choose to manipulate others, and it may work for a while, but the only thing that lasts forever is your ability to choose and change. Change and choose. Choose and change. Choose change. Change is not a choice. Change is the only not-choice. You may choose not to change, but you will change. So change is the only ultimate truth which brings around the only not-choice. You must change. You must choose to change. You cannot choose to change. Wait…but some do not change…I picture the old lady in the quaint house, squeezed between the new money-raising apartments. I picture her dress, the same as it has been, and the same floral pattern that was popular when she was a girl. She has chosen not to change, and yet, change has chosen her. Change has slowly dragged her skin to the ground, stretched out her lips and caused her to sag. Change has chiseled new sharp creases into the papyrus skin of her face, reflective of her own unshifting attitude in the years past. She has chosen not to change, but change has chosen her. She has become subject to the ultimate not-choice. You may choose one thing, but change can choose another. You may choose to be angry, but you may also choose to accept. The body may be a gift, a useful tool in order for us to understand ourselves subjectively, but the truth of the mind is that it warps our true perception. Souls are forced to narrow their lens. It is why we dream so heavily, because it is our souls escaping the confines and burdens of a body limited by physicality. We are complex machines, capable of many things, but the folds and wrinkles of our brains limit our capacity. We are the reasons for living. We are the reasons for Zen. Zen Buddhism is the lotus flower, sitting in the one position, trying to make ourselves happy with the constant change. Change will always be there. Delight in it. Revel in it. Embrace it. Store away the past changes for memory and lessons. Or cast it aside; it’s your choice. Either way, you will have to pick something. Many abstain from inevitable choice-making because they are afraid of the results, but the happy truth is that you can always choose something else. True, opportunities open and close rapidly like clockwork, but there will always be a window open. You have walked every path you could ever dream of walking; your mission is merely to choose the succession of choices that will lead you forward in this life in the method that your soul desires during this particular round in the flesh. The next life will be the same mission, with infinite different possibilities. Do not fear death for this reason; embrace it, because it will lead you somewhere completely new and different, with more experiences and sensations and memories than you have ever dreamed. Sorrow, happiness, choice; it is all yours, over and over and over again. Make your mission to choose happiness. Choose happiness.
  4. xmas

    xmas Member

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    10:06 am begin

    When I think of distractions, I think of an angry yellow lightning bolt and children talking around me, banging their feet, and whining. When I think of rage, I see a forehead with a number sign over it welling up with red and fuming with anger. When I think of happiness, I see a cup half full of water. But right now, all I can focus on is the annoying music from The sims 2 on the tv set, and the sound of this horrible music and how much I hate american technology and what we waste with it. I try not to think of the mindless mice and slaughtered sheep, and brainwashing that I have endured just to comform me to this pathetic farce called Reality bullshit. Who are these dream stealers? Why are they stealing my dreams? Gag. cough. end.
  5. Lifted_Individual

    Lifted_Individual Guest

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    As I walk through this life like an artist paints. each step representing each stroke. This is the life that I paint with my tool. I was born with everything I would ever even need. I was born with the artist mindset. So I was walk through this life painting it as I go, the sky falls to the ground but I'm there to raise it back up. I'm here to face the trials and tribulations of this painting. I Strive to create the best masterpiece possible.

    I challenge myself and my wits everyday to create the and master the art of Living Life.

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