If nudity was legal I would shop naked in public even if others were not nude. Also would be nice to walk up and down street nude and to drive nude. It is nice to dream.
My Take on legalization. I would be much more open in my surroundings. All people would know it’s legal and so the playing field is equal. However, there will be times when I would respect others. I would think if it were legal it would be a non event for the most part. Case in point. When open carry gun law was voted in Texas. It caused concern. But the results were a non event. You can if you want to but no one really noticed or cares. I would probably shop with clothes on as well.
I would have a choice. Clothed: Shopping, Banking, WELDING, working under my car, etc Nude: Gardening, Cutting Lawn, a walk down the street, sunbathing in the park, etc
realistically, I'd probably still wear clothes in professional settings, but as far as walking downtown or hanging out with friends I would absolutely be naked all the time were it legal.
I agree with welding and other such work being a nope need skin protection for that and cold weather. but if I don't need skin protection and it were legal I would be naked everywhere
If it were legal, I imagine that the main difference would be that I would SEE more nudity. But I wouldn't BE nude more often or more places.
I'd probably live like when I'm barefoot now so I wear shoes to work and other formal occasions. If nude was normal and legal I'd wear textiles for work and be nude and barefoot all the other time.
The reason why nudity will never be legalized or normal ... (well, never say "never") ... but in its earliest forms, some of the only people to go COMPLETELY naked were slaves. Entertainers, too, but for many centuries they were considered lowly servants themselves, weren't they? So nudity became equated with humiliation. History of nudity - Wikipedia
I would be naked as much as possible depending on the weather. Winters here can frostbite your penis.
What if instead of nudity only being legal where it's explicitly stated it was the other way around and signs had to be placed where nudity was NOT allowed like shopping malls and office blocks. Imagine if it had to be written into employment contracts that clothes are to be worn while at work and if not nudity would be the norm and people would be horribly offended if someone showed up wearing clothes and they would face disciplinary action or potentially be fired.
Me to the police officer: “The sign said shirt and shoes required. It didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout pants!”
If nudity was legal. The world would be much closer to a perfect place! I would never again ware clothing! Nude 24/7/365