Lee Harvey Oswald: His inspiration

Discussion in 'Pure Bull' started by matthew, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    Vassili Zaitsev

    The greatest Russian/Soviet sniper, and one of the greatest snipers in history. At the Battle of Stalingrad, he pinpointed his German counterpart (Major Koenig), by tricking him into shooting at a glove on a stick, thus being able to see his muzzle flash and location. The result was that Zaitsev put a bullet in Koenig's head before he had time to chamber a new round (sniper rifles back then were bolt-action).

    Shepherd from the foothills of the Urals

    Later a Russian Soldier/Sniper,

    Was awarded the country’s highest honor, the gold star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

    When the war was over he became a professor in Engineering at the university of Kiev

    Wrote a book of his experiences called: Note of a sniper, Wich inspired the movies "Enemy at the gates" and "War of the rats"

    He and a small band of Red Army snipers managed to terminate more than 1200 Nazis - mostly officers, sergeants, machine - gunners and artillery spotters.
    Read; Note of a sniper

    Watch; Enemy at the gates, Alltough its not correctly based upon Vassillis life.

    ( In fact he was a Active Communist )



    While visiting russia LHO happens to come across the Moscow armed forces museum.. wishing to go down in the history books deciedes to hatch a plan.
  2. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    well, i certainly dont think lee harvey oswald ever fired a shot at the president, too many things contradict that. though i think he planned on trying to do SOMETHING pretty bad....but thats way besides the point......

    at any rate, that russian guy sounds pretty amazing. i'll have to read more about it....

    good post
  3. Wonder Girl

    Wonder Girl rhapsody in pink

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    The story of how he shot Thorwald is very interesting....I haven't ever read anything about this before now. Thanks for posting the links...good stuff.
  4. guy

    guy Senior Member

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    yes lho must have been the best sniper in history because kennedy had more holes in him than bullets fired could actually make. sorry this is all crazy talk - i'm delusional.
  5. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    I was interested in this person after i watched 'Enemy at the gates' it was a really good film-though now i understand tarnished with the usual 'Hollywood' crap. Anyway notice where this thread is and understand i am making my own 'conspiracy' up here [i think that has been noticed :p ].. I read this a while ago:

    The account of Oswald's tortured personality by his brother and those who knew him points to a loner desperate to secure some kind of fame in a world which rejected him.

    Nowadays he would probably try to get on Big Brother.

    In November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald sought his 15 minutes of fame by shooting dead the president of the United States.


    I was then watching 'Enemy at the Ggates' [like i said] a few days ago .. and i thought mmmm this person was 'big news' in his time and possibly as LHO was a 'sniper' and possibly a communist sympathiser and had been over there [Russia] .... he may have made this person one of his 'heroes'..

    If anyone found it interesting [about the sniper-not my 'pure bull' ] apart from myself then thats cool..:)
  6. Wonder Girl

    Wonder Girl rhapsody in pink

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    Well,you're a good conspiracy creator,because I didn't even question that part of it. You should be working for one of those Hollywood movie companies lol....you'd like that,wouldn't ya? :p
  7. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    My job with the goverment forbids me from working in the entertainment industry [though my job in quite entertaining- Implanting David letterman in his job - all me that was - no need too thank me - years of endless unfunny 'sketches' and 'off the cuff' remaks are a present from me to the viewing public- sleep people sleep].
  8. Wonder Girl

    Wonder Girl rhapsody in pink

    Likes Received:
    What? You lost me,Matthew lol...what do you do,anyways? When you say "my job with the government forbids me...",I think of espionage or something equally spy-like...I have an active imagination :D
  9. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

    Likes Received:
    I work for British Gas.. I have a 'active imagination' i was trying to be 'spy like' .. just a bit hung over when posting that particular effort..:p

    I am thinking 'what ???' reading back over it now :rolleyes:
  10. paulfreespirit

    paulfreespirit Senior Member

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    were "s me bill matty lad " fuckin lazy bastards .
  11. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

    Likes Received:
    Give me your details and i will find out.. What is you No. [should begin with 100....] . Of course i won't add a few hundred units onto it while i am their..honest. :p lazy .. cheeky, you should hear some of 'you lot' bloody sad losers the lot of you.
  12. paulfreespirit

    paulfreespirit Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    fascinated .........who lot ? sad losers ? .........please enlighten me mathew.
  13. all_rhodesian_reject

    all_rhodesian_reject Sonskyn Elvis

    Likes Received:
    I was reading that thinking "Didn't they make a movie out of this...?"

    Then I finished reading

    Thats all
  14. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    'you lot' the general public.. those sad losers that give me something to do all day.
  15. all_rhodesian_reject

    all_rhodesian_reject Sonskyn Elvis

    Likes Received:
    hahaha :D
  16. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

    Likes Received:
    How is this funny :$ i know where you live young man.:rolleyes:
  17. Wonder Girl

    Wonder Girl rhapsody in pink

    Likes Received:
    Oh,okay...I had to look up British Gas to see what type of company it was. We have BP,British Petroleum over here and I thought it may have been similar. So,British Gas is owned by the government or was that just part of your scheme lol? I'm interested now,as I just read that British Gas once monopolized the industry...that may not be spy-like,but it's pretty ruthless :p
  18. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    Not a expert on it.. but found this.. i think the goverment underwrote the 2 billlion pounds and that is now written off ..obviously unlike other services you can't take your pipes with you so the whole darn system was run by one group [possibly a govermental agency] So yeah it did dominate the industry because it was the industry.. Now with competition rules and such .. the market has opened up to erm competition :rolleyes: http://www.transco.uk.com/ maintain the whole network and 'gas' is a commodity bought and sold between suppliers.. i believe BG still ultimatly 'own' the gas .. they just sell it to other companys [e.g powergen]..

    I do believe they put a 'special' chemical in it, that makes vast swathes of people get out of bed and do something called 'work'.. You never heard that from me though.

    British Gas was formerly the name of the United Kingdom's monopoly gas supplier. There is no longer a company called "British Gas", but the phrase is still used as a trading name.

    In 1997 the then British Gas plc demerged Centrica plc and renamed itself BG plc (later BG Group plc). Ownership of the name was split; in Britain it is used by Centrica, while in the rest of the world it is used by BG Group.

    From its founding in 1812 as the Gas Light and Coke Co. to its nationalization in 1949, the UK gas industry relied for its supply on coal pyrolysis in retorts, which yielded valuable by-products such as coke and coal tar.^In the 1950s, the advent of gas-manufacturing processes based on imported oil briefly challenged the supremacy of coal.^The 1959 discovery of the vast Slochteren natural gas field in the Netherlands presaged the large-scale exploitation of North Sea gas that began in the mid-1960s.^Due to its experience in importing LNG from Algeria, the British industry was ready to handle the North Sea gas.^In 1966, the UK decided to convert the entire country to natural gas - a program that took 10 years to complete, cost nearly $2 billion, and involved modifying 35 million appliances.^In the 30 years from the end of World War II through the creation of British Gas Corp. in 1973, the gas industry`s move from its weak, fragmented position into the most advanced fields of modern technology involved major changes in marketing strategy, organization, and management, along with complicated political and economic adjustments.

  19. Wonder Girl

    Wonder Girl rhapsody in pink

    Likes Received:
    I think that's interesting,for some reason. I remember in one of Agatha Christie's novels,one of the characters talked about the lack of coke and how it had effected the times there in the UK. That was set in the 30's or 40's,I think. I didn't understand exactly what that meant.
  20. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    I thought it was interesting for some reason, also.

    Economic pressures on the coal-
    mining industry, 1913-46

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