This is for anyone who has left London or plans to leave London, to share our experiences and stories. I've been in London for the last ten years (previous I have lived in various parts of the UK) and now I'm getting ready to leave. I have been invited by friends to join them where they live. How cool is that? I'm moving in October, just after my birthday.
Update: I've been here since October 11th, and everything is amazing. After the first few days I managed to stop telling all my friends how amazing everything is all the time, and after a few more days I managed to stop going on about the wildlife I've seen here.
I left in 1982. For the last 9 months I was living in Catford -- where Kate Bush hailed from - and I was working in the West End. One day I got lost going home on my motorbike and thought I never envisage missing this place. London like any other big city does have some redeeming features.
I think London is like that island out of pinocchio (Paese dei Balocchi). It's not good to stay there. A year might go by on the inside but decades are happening on the outside. Harpo, everything is amazing outside such a metropolis!
so when I wear my harris tweed it is coming from that island?.....and the tweed museum?.....hold me back cause now i'm kidding harpo.....looks like an awesome place to get drunk with the some actual photos instead of the stock tourist shots in that link......