That it's been 15 years now since I was there, and the whole time since I came back has been spent wanting to go back. I'm older now, and more susceptible to disaease, so going back again Babas and gurus I met there I will never forget. They helped me understand
The overcrowded cities would really bother me, i'm sure. Ughh people.. And then it seems like raping women is a popular past time in the less crowded villages
Loved India Loved the people and their resourcefulness and friendliness ! Dont like to see beggars (wherever I am ) I was in Kerala Though and its a Dry state so No Beer :yikes:
Yep, It’s out of this world…literally..... World Health Organization (WHO) “If all 774 million people in India currently waiting for household toilets were made to stand in line, the line would stretch from Earth to the moon and beyond.” Hotwater
Don't know why I said least, because my least favourite thing about it is that I've not been there for 15 years or something. Also, cider.
never been but i would if i could. i think i would most dislike the creature comforts i have home. not sure what ones they have there but i am interested in the things i have seen.
The food and chillums will more than make up for creature comforts. Besides, most places you go if you have some money, it doesn't cost that much for a nice hotel. You can have all the creatures comforts you want.
My mum was born in India, and I remember asking her did she want to go back some time..she bluntly would decline, said it was filthy! I've never wanted to go, till now!