Hi. I need so much help. I love learning languages but I have never had so much trouble before. Finnish is really hard for me. I'm struggling with a lot of things and am really desperate to find someone who can help answer my questions. For instance things like consonant gradation. I have read so much about it and still have basically 0 understanding of what it is or how it works. Also I just saw something about genetive case and learned there's like 15 different cases for nouns? https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/finnish-cases.html Whaaaat?! What do these mean?! I'm really good at conjugating verbs and learning vocab but all these weird rules and cases are making me feel discouraged. Please please help me. Thanks in advance to any kind soul that can help. Love, Megan
Eerinn2f might help you. Send her a PM, she is from Finland. She's also cute. https://www.hipforums.com/forum/user/298125-eerinn2f/
I'm learning Finnish too and I'm finding time management to learn the language difficult. I'd be really happy to practice with you at any time if you're up for it!
Yes, Finnish Grammar is very extensive and intricate! However I think Finnish has two things that make it simpler and beautiful: stems in words for example Kirja, Kirjotta, and other stuff with Kirja/o at the beginning normally relate to books or writing or libraries - like, what we'd call in cognitive psychology 'Schemas'. Secondly, lack of gender! Whereas french has la, le, les etc, Finnish doesn't even have a he/she. Just they or it --- han or se s/he has a dog - hanella on koira (my keyboard does have capabilities for adding accents to vowels)