Upside down crosses and reading the Lord’s Prayer backward does nothing for me, but using a nude woman as an altar – that’s more up my alley Hotwater
I agree----I can't say I am real familiar with it, but a religion that is atheistic created by an author in the 60's, relying very heavily on the motifs of Satanism and its metaphysical implications-----too many contradictions to be authentic if you ask me. And I am not a fan of Ayn Rand either so...
Yes, that's religion. I'm currently reading The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution... So far 50% nonsense, 50% "hmmm" worthy.
the main question i have about it, other then as a protest of everything that is wrong with christerism, is like what is the point of it? satan is just a name, like all the other names we've invented, for things we know nothing about. and the main thing wrong with christianity, islam, and their predicessors, is the idea of any good thing wanting to be feared, which i mean, you only need to not be mentally blind to see the self contradiction in that.
Even if one agrees with some central points in the philosophy of this belief system I don't see the point in joining or affiliating yourself with this religion. You can just as well agree with them without joining in on the ridicilousness of the rituals, symbols and the more ludicrous and yeah often pointless aspects of this organisation. But if other people really feel it is useful and purposeful for them then why not. It's not like it will be the next big thing others have to watch out for or will be annoyed by
I didn't mean cult in the modern sense of the word, but in the anthropological sense that the term Goddess cult is used for. I want to be able to tell my wife---"Times are tough, I better go sleep with a temple harlot so we don't run into any financial problems." And she responds, "Why don't you do her twice so we can get a new swimming pool." And the image of the vulva is sacred. And going to the temple includes watching girls dance seductively. ...and I don't have to travel to a remote village in India and speak an obscure indigenous Indian language in order to do this... ;-)
Atheist "religion" that calls itself satanaism but sees satan only as symbolic .... that's pretty convoluted bullshit to me. But then so are most religions. They probably created this thing for tax reasons.
idk, do you think there's anything about this religion that's worth taking seriously? I just don't see how they're "different" from the "herd."
You have a point. They claim to be "elite" but they're not. They're just average workaday Joe Blows like me lol.
Ordinarily, I don't like to mix religion with politics. For example, I like Catholicism in terms of rituals, ambience, and music. But I hate how they always harp on abortion and gay marriage. So yeah, I guess a libertarian religion is pretty absurd. And no, you don't have to turn to Satanism to be a libertarian.
There have been libertarian Christians, and for all I know there still may be some. Don't mean 'libertarian' in the sense it's used by free market anarchists etc, but in the sense of not bound to external authority. At the time of the English civil war there were a few such sects, and similar groups were present in Europe. Generally, they are referred to as 'anti-nomian', meaning the rejection of laws in favour of the direct knowledge of the Holy Spirit which was held to be a sufficient guide. Probably the most famous artist who held such beliefs was William Blake, who was the cultural heir of the earlier English libertarians.