The 22 year old Canadian conservative journalist was banned from the UK two days ago. She was held for 6 hours under a terrorism law and was banned from the UK for "racism"
Oh isn’t this that the troll woman that 6 posted about? As far as I can tell she is a smug far-right agent provocateur and self-righteous publicity hound who purposely goes to places with the intent of arousing trouble. I mean do you support this extremist show boater?
Asking rational questions is provocative? Maybe if the person you're asking is an irrationable dummy robot who's only response is to be triggered into a screaming rage when they don't have a programmed answer ready.
this fucking ugly **** should die a horrible death....she was detained by Italian authorities for blocking a migrant think about what kind of sick bitch can try and block migrants from landing their boat i';d stab this poor excuse of a human myself if i could get near her...i'd be a fuckin' hero
Bob your wife’s ex-boyfriend doesn’t think it a provocative question to ask why your wife is such a ‘dumb, ugly, cock-sucking whore bitch’ as he has been telling everyone around town because in his view that is a completely rational thing to say as he thinks it totally true. Oh and your wife who is a peaceful loving woman most of the time thinks Bob is a shriveled dick who she wishes would die a horrible death, because he is so hateful toward her. Bob is now on your doorstep, you know if you let him in Bob is going to be ‘provocative’ and do everything he can to get into a shouting match with your wife, you know it might even end up in a physical fight and you know that besides the possible property damage someone could get injured, hell you might even be hurt. So do you let him in? To me there is a difference between wanting honest debate and just trying to start a fight.
tbc bob is the alt right psycho and not the migrants in my post ....friggin alt righters will confuse over that ....they aren't a bright bunch haha....fuckin'A balbus well said
I didnt know you were such a bleeding heart liberal. You must live a pretty isolated and sheltered existence up there in Canada and just eat up everything your giant pussy of a leader spoons up.
go fuck that sissy gun you been showing off you alt right freak show......we aren't concerned that people like you don't like out PM....why do you think he is there?...because we in Canada know how to pick a smart leader.....
why don't you defend the subject of the thread start shit and now attempt to switch the discussion?.....put up or shut the fuck up
You come into the thread bringing violent threats. I dont have to try to reason with someone who does that.
See all these violent threats from you right off the bat. And you say Im supposed to have a civil discussion with you.
If Im a troll, then you sure do give me a lot of fodder. Youve been going on about how I am a troll for like a week now. Youve already replied directly to me at least one other time today and its still early.
This is the second time this week I have had people tell me what I can and cant talk about in my own thread.