Well, it's almost-but-not-quite summer, but the ground under 88-degree cloudless sky is summer-hot. Ah, hot-ground barefooting! Ooch, ouch, where's the white line, where's the grass.... Nice!
i don't know, the calendar says it's still spring but i don't think anyone would argue if you just called it summer.
I had a chance to hike barefoot in one of the state parks. Nice grassy and duffy trails. I like pine needles to walk on the best and don't mind acorns and twigs. Not too fond of rocks or gravel, though. Lowlands had some nice toe mud. Left the mud on my feet for the rest of the day.
WEll I'm not a full time barefooter but I do enjoy taking a break from work and taking a barefoot walk. Today was a bit too hot for asphalt here in N Texas!
Call it spring, call it summer the hot asphalt can be a bummer I much prefer a shaded street not nearly as hot on my bare feet
It's been hot like summer the last few weeks and the pavement was pretty hot for a few days. It's back to being somewhat cool again and my feet are happy. I think I'd rather walk over cool gravel than hot asphalt.
technically, the ideal is walking through the surf when it is hot enough to burn your feet on most other surfaces.