Well I can't seem to figure out how to fix this big mistake I made 3months Go .... I started interlocking my dreads at the roots which you all know is bad because it makes two dreads and leaves a big hole that splits the dread .. how can I fix this I use no products never have ... I started to interlock back threw the dreads to get them to attach but its just a big circle that way how do I break this circle of messing my dreads up
You could either split the dread which won't really mess your dread up or gently crochet it. Or you could leave it alone and let your dreads do their thing. I had splitting dreads kind of like that but not caused by interlocking. They just didn't want to become a single dread, so I put a bead on it and it fixed on its own.
I appreciate the help I will let the bad boys do their own thing... I can't seem to find beads big enough for my dreads hah thanks guys and gals
Yeah, I ran into that problem until I started making my own XD The thing that people don't seem to understand about dreads is that they continue to grow and change even if they have "matured" I have seen a lot of people freak out because their dreads split (I was one of them XD) or that they are getting a lot of loose hairs. Well as you continue the process everything sorts itself in the end.
Yea I was relying on everything working its self out just gonna stop trying to flux every little thing and Lett em be free to twist and knot on their own thank you I'm gonna have to look I to making me some because I do like wearing rough natural wood beads just like em
Just don't do anything. i did it and the best thing your can do is stop haha. all it did is make my dreads go kinky when that section grew out. just don't worry about it too much
I can always tell when people flip their locks... looks pretty lame. Just stop now. There's not really any way to 'fix' it other than putting a bead over areas that are really splitting apart.
Just to be clear by "Just stop now" I mean the latch hook flipping. I'm not trying to quit your hair, but maybe consider starting over and giving nature a chance... or just try and salvage what you have, your decision. Putting a bead or one of those peyote stitched/beaded sleeves will probably help a lot, but you'll still have a strange texture in certain spots from the time you spent flipping.